Chapter 25

  A few months later

  Gently waking Ryker up, I cover his handsome face in kisses.

  ‘You know if you keep doing that it won't just wake me up, but also the man downstairs, my sweet,’ he says with his eyes still closed. I throw a pillow at his face.

  ‘Hey!’ He sits up and throws a pillow back at me. I lean backward, dodging the pillow. I poke out my tongue: ‘Ha! You missed!’ I tease.

  ‘Oh, did I?’ He says, jumping out of bed and running toward me, flinging me over his shoulder and whirling us around in a circle.

  ‘Ryker! Stop!’ I giggle.

  ‘You’ll make me sick,’ I say; he stops.

  ‘Well, you're no fun!’ He feigns a pout.

  ‘No fun? Have you forgotten about all the fun we had three times last night?’ I ask him.

  ‘You got me there; you’re fun in that department,’ he says, slapping my bum.

  ‘Ah! Did you really just smack my bum?’ I ask.

  ‘Yes. But it should be the least of your worries; I’m so tempted to bite it right now,’ he threatens, with a seductive growl.