Chapter 73

  When we hear the thunderous thuds, Magnus answers the door, 'What brings us the pleasure of welcoming the Wolf Council?' Magnus chirps.

  'Alpha Magnus, we've come to talk about some fairly serious worries that have everyone on edge.' Alpha Bennet says.

  'Please come in and join us in the dining room for some refreshments,' Magnus adds as he opens the door wider. Magnus frowns at the scores of men following them as they enter. 'Perhaps you could all go to the ceremony hall, where there is more room, and I'll get you food and refreshments?' The Alphas signal them to proceed to the ceremonial hall. Magnus was about to close the door when Ryker and Astrid arrived.

  'I'm pleased you're here, Mum and Dad,' Magnus replies.

  'We want to reassure the wolf council that they have nothing to be concerned about.' Ryker explains.

  While the kitchen staff brings out beverages and nibbles, we take our seats at the table.