Chapter 80

  As she stands, Yiselda adds, 'I shall return tomorrow to lead Alpha Bennet to Pandora's Box.'

  'We'll accompany you, Yiselda, and return to Shadow Crest later,' Fern adds.

  'Very well,' she says with a smile.

  I need to see Alec, not just because I can't stop thinking about him, but also because I'm curious about this mark. I'd want to ask him why I keep thinking of him in a sensuous light, but I can't acknowledge that I find him appealing. It just wouldn't be proper. 

  ‘May you should come with us this time?’ I say.

  'Yes, yes,' she exclaims as she dashes over to join us.

  'I'll be back soon,' I kiss Magnus, 'don't keep me waiting too long,' he smiles.

  'I won't,' I respond as I kiss him once more.

  We port through the circle, following the witches and appear outside Pandora’s Box. Upon entering, May squeals in delight at the broom sweeping the floor.

  ‘Does it ever stop sweeping?’ I ask out of curiosity.

  Yiselda laughs, ‘No, dear, it doesn’t,’