We follow Juliet for half the day until we arrive at where Atlanta was last scene.

‘She isn’t here,’ Cerridwen says as she cautiously looks around.

I walk over to a ring of black crystals on the grass and lean down to inspect them.

‘She was here,’ I say as I stand. ‘Stay back here with Valkrim. I think she might still be around here somewhere. Remember the plan,’ I remind her.

She nods and races back over to Valkrim’s side.

I walk by a couple of trees, ‘Atlanta, why did you do it? Why did you release Thypon?’

‘Because, sweet sister, you and the others deserve to suffer just as I have,’ she says, stepping out of the shadows.

‘Atlanta, the people of Mysteria do not deserve this fate. They have done nothing wrong,’ I say to her.

‘I know, but hurting them is the best way to hurt you and your friends,’ she says and looks over my shoulder at Valkrim and Cerridwen.