The Inferno Dragon

"What is that?" I ask.

Tiasha finishes with the last table and walks over to the counter.

"Have you heard of the Legend of the Inferno Dragon?" Tiasha says and washes the cloth in a wooden bucket.

The Inferno Dragon? I glance over to Lohikaarmi. "Maybe?"

"It's about a dragon some dub as the strongest of them all. Its massive wings cast shadows over mountains, and it has scales that are hard as rocks. It's called the Inferno Dragon because people who have fought it and lived to tell the tale say it shoots scorching flames out of its mouth, like a conqueror from the Inferno," Tiasha says, her eyes sparkling with interest.

"Does that sound familiar to you?" Cisca says, "I wonder what or who that legendary dragon could be."

Like always, Lohikaarmi shows nothing on her face. I wonder if it's because she doesn't understand that Tiasha is talking about her, or she just doesn't at all care.

"Sh- That sounds like a terrifying dragon. Why are you holding a festival for it?" I ask.

"It's such a magnificent creature!" Tiasha says, "We elves hold respect for nature and everything it encompasses. It wouldn't make sense to not celebrate what some people have called the Goddess's Executioner, would it?"

"N-No, I guess not."

"Exactly. We hold one every time there is a sighting of the Inferno Dragon. Many villagers said they saw it circling right above us this morning. Ah, I wish I had seen it, though."

"Is that right?"

I did tell Lohikaarmi to try not to be seen, but to be fair, I am sure it's not easy to hide in the open sky with such a large body.

"Yeah, there will be a huge bonfire and a dance tonight. You are welcome to join if you want," Tiasha says.

"Sure. We will accept your invitation."

It's a celebration for Lohikaarmi, after all. Who knew just her appearance is worthy of a festival?

"Wonderful! Anyways, I still have the boar to prepare. I will head back to the kitchen now," Tiasha says.

"Of course. We won't keep you any longer, for real this time," I say.

"Ah, you guys are so much more polite than other visitors from the city. I don't mind chatting with you guys, at all. See you soon." Tiasha waves and disappears behind the door on the other side of the counter.

I look at Lohikaarmi, and she has no reactions, but I am quite curious about what she is feeling right now. I wish I had a festival hosted for me.

"What do you think about that, Lohikaarmi? The elves are going to hold a party for you tonight," I say as I pat her on her shoulder.

She pauses for a second and stare at me with her purplish-blue eyes.

"I never knew the elves thought of me in such a way, Master," Lohikaarmi says.

"Well, now you do. How do you feel?"

"Flattered, I suppose."

Ah, I should learn to never expect a reaction holding any emotions from this girl.

"Hey, Kris, can I talk to you about something?" Cisca asks.

"Sure," I say to her, then I address Lohikaarmi, "Shall we go back upstairs?"

"Yes, Master."

We leave the counter, walk up the creaking stairs, and return to our room. I slowly push the door open. The girl is still sleeping peacefully, showing no signs of movement except for her softly heaving chest.

I go over to the empty bed close to the window, which I assume is mine if the girl is sleeping in the other one, and sit down on the sheets again.

"What do you want to talk about, Cisca?" I ask.

She glances over to her laptop and says, "We have learned a lot through the encounter with the village. I just want to reassess our goal."

"Alright, go ahead," I say.

Cisca nods. "First of all, we now know the state is called Terradivina, and it's governed by a Theocracy," she says, "There are two races we currently know of, Germanic elves and normal humans. It seems like there is some unrest between the two demographics."

"From how Tiasha described it, yeah."

"My theory is that the discrimination roots from their belief in their Goddess, since Tiasha said that elves are not as devout."

"That sounds plausible."

"But those are not as important. The most important thing is that Terradivina has a capital."


"And if we want to advance the civilization in Terradivina as quickly as possible, we will have to go to the capital."

"Is that our next goal?" I ask.

"It's the only one I can see."

There is a sudden jab in my heart, as if I will miss this place, or someone here, but I shake that feeling out of my head.

"Alright, we shall head out tomorrow morning, then," I say to Cisca.


We are making advancements so quickly. Not two days after arriving in Eden, I have already found the capital city of the state here. Bringing the civilization here to the level on Earth in less than two hundred years doesn't seem all that far away now.

"Master," Lohikaarmi speaks up.

"Yes, Lohikaarmi?"

"The girl's finger moved."

"What?" I shoot up from my bed and walk over to the one Lohikaarmi is standing beside.

I can't remember if I always could, but I can see the girl's eyes moving under her closed eyelids. There are no movements in her fingers right now, though, but Lohikaarmi wouldn't lie.

"Was it just now?" I ask.

Lohikaarmi nods.

"Hello?" I say while squeezing the girl's hand, "Can you hear me?"

To my surprise, her small hand squeezes back. I can feel her energy. Slowly, her eyelids lift, showing the bright blue iris behind. Even her eyes are the same as mine.

Her lips slowly move to form words.

"Where… where am I?" A weak and high-pitched voice comes out.

"You are safe in an inn right now," I whisper quietly, as to not startle her.

Her half-closed eyes roll and land on my face. They widen in surprise as the girl bounces up, making me jump.

"Ahh! It's you!" The girl yells as she almost hits my head with hers.


"Y-Y-Y-Y-You…" she stutters while pointing her thin little finger at me.

"Calm down. You just woke up," I say and take a piece of syrup candy out of my pouch, "Here, have some sweets."

I hold the candy in front of her mouth. The girl stops panicking and takes a sniff, then she snatches it out of my hand with her teeth.

"Chew slower," I say to the girl who is munching down the hardened syrup.

She swallows, and her face lights up.

"Whoa, what did you just give me?" She asks.

"Solidified sy-" I was beginning to explain when she interrupts me.

"Wait, I don't care. Who are the hell are you?" She goes back to pointing aggressively, her blue eyes bulging out at me.

"I-I'm Kris. I found you on a meadow in the middle of nowhere," I say.

"No, you didn't! You blew me up with your weird magic! And now look at me! I am a mortal!"
