Lydia's Leave

We didn't stay in the shrine any longer and headed back to the convent. I decided now is probably not the best time to give the ring to Faye, considering I am enriching myself from methods she might not approve of. Also, for some reason, I just can't bring myself to take the ring out in front of her.

Owen said he had something to take care of when we arrived at the stable, so he left us to ourselves.

When we arrived at the convent, another carriage, a fairly nice one, left as we entered through the gate. Bishop Cecilia and all the nuns except for Sister Lydia are standing at the front door.

"Hey, Kris," Cecilia greets us as we walk up to them.

"What was that?" I ask and point back to where the carriage was.

"Sister Lydia's brother got sick, and unfortunately, it doesn't look like he has much time left, so she went back home to take care of him. The Goddess rest his soul," she says.

"Oh, okay."

"Will she be back?" Faye asks.

"Yes," the bishop answers, "but we aren't sure when. Sister Lydia's brother doesn't have anyone with him anymore. His wife passed away a few years ago, and they never had children, so Sister Lydia will be his only company. She said she will stay with him until his last moment."

A rather wasteful way to spend one's time, isn't it? If her brother is going to die anyway, what's even the point in making his last moments somewhat companied?

"That's so sweet," Faye says.

Well, I guess everyone's got their own perspectives.

"Yeah, it is," Cecilia says and heads back into the building, "We were going to take part in a joint charity with St. Brielle's Convent, but seeing we are now a nun short, they told us to take a little rest. I don't think we will have anything for the next entire week."

"Alright," I say.

That's good. It gives me some more time to keep an eye on my exploit in the shrine.

As we follow them inside, I hear Melody say to her sister, "Ni, will you do the same for me? Will you come visit me when I am old and dying alone?"

What a question to ask for a seventeen-year-old.

"Of course, Sister Melody," Melanie says, "I will never leave your side."


The two of them wrap in an embrace.

"Oh, I know," Melody says, "If we marry the same person, we will for sure stay with each other forever!"

"But polygamy is against the Goddess's wishes."

"That doesn't matter. We are nuns. We have special privileges."

Mia comes over and puts her hands on Melanie's shoulders and says, "Don't listen to your sister, Ni. I don't know where she gets her information."

"That's what Sister Abigail told me," Melody says.

"Sister Abigail, what have you been telling the girls again?" Mia asks.

Abigail was minding her own business tidying up the lobby desks. She turns around. "Hmm?"

"Did you tell Di that nuns have special privileges that allow them to engage in polygamy?"

Abigail chuckles. "No, of course not. Anyone can engage in polygamy."


"Just look at Kris. Does he seem like a sinner to you?"

"Without a doubt," Mia says without even looking at me.

"Hey, don't drag me into this," I say.

Melody comes jogging over to me while pulling her sister by the arm.

"Big Bro Krissy, will you let Ni and me marry you when we reach eighteen so we can stay together forever?" She asks and looks up with sincere eyes.

"Oi, get away," I say with a shoo.

Melody turns to her sister. "Ni, do you want to marry Big Bro Krissy with me?"

Melanie nods silently.

What have I gotten myself into?

"That's two against one, Big Bro Krissy," Melody says, "you can't refuse."

"Yes, I can."

Mia grabs both of their arms and drags them away from me. She looks at me with disdain and says, "Kris. They are children. How low can you get?"

"Huh? How is this my fault?"

I hear Abigail and Faye both laugh.

"Sorry girls," Astra says, "but my brother is already taken. He's got a date next week."

"What?" All four of the nuns stop in their tracks and turn to stare at me. For no reason at all, I feel a sudden shiver down my spine.

Mia clears her throat and looks away, "Ahem. T-That's good. As long as you will be faithful enough to not bother us again."

"Big Bro, No! I thought we had a deal!" Melody whines.

What deal? That thing she said thirty seconds ago?

Abigail walks toward me and places her hands on my cheeks. "Look at you, Kris, rejecting me for another girl. Who is it?" She asks with a strange smile.

I grab her wrists and pull her hands away from me. "It's no one. There is no date."

"Alice Pecunia," Astra says.

I shoot her a glare.

"Pecunia?" Abigail says.

"Do you know her?" Faye asks.

"I went to school with a boy of that name."

"That must be Alice's brother, then. How was he?" Astra asks.

Abigail shrugs. "I don't know. I don't usually pay much attention to boys I am not interested in."

"Cold," Astra says, "But Alice is really good-looking, so I imagine her brother to be, as well."

"Oh, he was a looker alright, but he was a little too rich for my taste."

What the hell does that mean?

"Of course," Mia cuts in, "Kris is only interested in her money."

"Everything you say is so uncalled for," I say.

She pouts and turns her head away.

"Does that mean Big Bro Kris will leave the convent to go live in some big mansion?" Melody asks.

"Like I said, there is no date. I don't know what you guys are going on about."

"Kris, you agreed to go to lunch with a girl. Just admit it," Astra says.

"I can't admit something that's not true. Ugh, I guess the lunch part is tru-"

"So you are going on a date!" Melody shouts.

I let out a long sigh.

"I will be up in my room. Please don't bother me anymore," I say and walk past the group to the stairs.

I hear Astra whisper to the nuns, "He settled with Alice because Faye turned him down. That's why he is in such a cranky mood."

A wave of enlightened murmurs follow.

"W-What? That's not true," Faye says.

Ignoring whatever just happened back there, I am in a rather good mood. The exploit proved to be even more efficient than I thought. I should be able to collect my rewards in no time.

The problem is that I might not be able to use this exploit many times without attracting attention to myself, but while it's still available, I shall make the most of it. Maybe something else will come my way later.