Pick Up Date

"So, what were you guys up to yesterday?" Owen asks after we finish the morning prayers in the dining hall.

It's now the next day. Lohikaarmi sent her dragon subordinates back to where they came from, and I converted all the loose gold coins that I had to slabs so that I wasn't carrying around with me a few pounds of metal.

"A couple of missions," I say.

"How did they go?"

"Pretty well."

Understatements are not exactly something that fits my character.

"That's good," Owen says.

Sister Abigail comes over with our breakfast in her hands. She sets them down on the table.

"Enjoy," she says with a smile.

"Thanks," I say.

It doesn't look all that appetizing. I can't tell exactly what the ingredients are, as it's mostly just a brown mush. Some sort of meat?

"You guys know what's today?" Astra asks as she picks up her spoon. A grin stretches from one of her ears to the other.

She just loves pissing me off. I kick her foot lightly under the table.

"Is today special?" Faye asks.

"Yes," Astra says.

Faye's mouth suddenly opens wide as she remembers what Astra is talking about. "Oh! The-the… lunch that's not a date with Alice!"

Could use a better name.

"That's right," Astra says.

"You have a what with who?" Owen asks.

"Don't worry about it."

"Hey Kris," someone calls out my name.

I look over. It's Bishop Cecilia. She has just walked into the dining hall.

"Yes, Your Excellency?" I ask.

"There's a girl at the door looking for you. She calls herself… Krissy's future wife?" Cecilia points down the hallway with a puzzled look on her face.

Faye coughs in an attempt to hide her laughter, while Astra just straight up chokes on her food.

What? Already? Wasn't it supposed to be lunch? And what's up with Kris's future wife?

"She's here!" Melody yells as she drops what she was doing and sprints to the lobby.

"Who?!" Mia asks and chases after her.

I let out a sigh and wipe my face with my hands.

"Huh, I didn't know you had a high priestess as a fiancée," Cecilia says.

"She's not… how do you know she is a high priestess?" I ask.

"Go look for yourself."

I sigh again and stand up from the table.

"Where are you going, Kris?" Owen asks.

"Hell if I know."

Crestfallen, I walk down the hallway toward the lobby. I can hear footsteps following behind me. The quick and light one undoubtedly belongs to Astra, while the other one can only be Faye's.

"So you are Big Bro Krissy's future wife, huh?" I hear Melody's voice around the corner.

"That's right." Followed by Alice's proud chipperness.

"Yeah? We will be bride-buddies, then!"

"I'm sorry?"

Aw, crap. This won't be an easy one to clear up.

"Big Bro Krissy said he will marry me and my sister when we reach eighteen!"

"No, he didn't," Sister Mia says.

"Yes, he did!"

"Oi, you two, get outta here," I shoo them away as I enter the entrance hall.

"Big Bro Krissy, did you forget our promise?" Melody turns toward me.

"Yes, and please never remind me of it."

"But you showed your body to me," she says with an innocent voice.


"W-What?" I ask.

"Kris?" Mia is equally curious.

"That night with Sister Abigail. Ni and I watched."


My tongue freezes. Is there even a point in trying to explain myself anymore?

I turn to the girl standing outside at the door. She looks just as shocked as me.

I now get how Cecilia immediately knew Alice was a high priestess. The girl is in her robe right now, and… even though I hate to admit it, it's beautiful.

It looks as if a pristine cloud has spun around her. The silk caresses from her hips up to her neck, highlighting an already attractive outline. The dress drops down to her ankles and floats just above the floor. Patterns of gold decorate every corner of her priestess gown. A tall hat sits on her head. Thin veils come out of the sides and cloak her lustrous brown hair.

She looks a little bit like the high priestess we met back in Cimavetta, Tessa, but Alice's robe seems even more formal and elegant.

"What is she talking about, Krissy?" Alice asks.

"I- Let's get out of here first. I will try to explain myself on the way," I say, eager, not to go on the date, but to leave the nuns as soon as possible.

"Oh, sure." Alice steps away from the doorway.

I turn around to the girls who have been following me. "You guys behave yourselves, alright. Don't go to the shrine and stay here."

"Sure. Have a fun date," Faye says with a wave.

Do I even bother?

"And you, Sister Mia, please correct any misunderstandings Sister Melody might have, or else I think I might get into some trouble," I say.

"You do it yourself."

"I- never mind. I will be right back."

I give them all one last wave and leave the convent. While Faye, Astra, and Melody are seeing me out, Mia slams the door close.

"Well, your harem is even bigger than I thought," Alice says as we are left alone in the front yard.

"Does it perhaps change your mind in your pursuit of becoming my future wife?" I ask.

"No, not at all. I just want to at least be in the top three." She smiles.

"The top three? Of what?"

"Your top three most favorite wives, of course."

I can't even begin to understand this girl, or any girl, especially the ones in the convent, for that matter.

"I don't know where you got the idea from, but I don't need a wife, nor do I want one," I say.

"Well, you might change your mind after this date," Alice says.

"Did I not specifically tell you that this won't be a date?"

"Nope." She blasts me with the sunshine of her innocuous smile.

Okay. I see how this is.

"Where are we even going to go?" I ask.

"I will show you around the third ring, so you can see what your life could be with me."

Subtle, but I guess I can benefit from this.

"And that's how we will get there?" I point to the carriage waiting at the front gate of the convent.


It's truly impressive how much luxury one can fit onto the side of a wooden cabin. I thought the one she was riding to the Holy Capital in was posh, but this is on another level.

Almost every little detail of the cabin is decorated in gold. There are intricate engravings cut into the side of the oily, crimson wood. The two horses look to be better groomed than me. Standing straight beside the doors is Alice's butler, Greg.

"Let's get it over with," I say and walk to the carriage with Alice cheerfully humming by my side.