Setting Up For More Riches

I told Astra and Abigail to keep my return a secret from the other girls. I really do not feel like facing their vicious interrogation anytime soon, or ever.

Rather than hiding in the attic of the convent until it's late enough for me to pretend that lunch with Alice went smoothly, I am now on my way to the Shrine of Crusaders by myself.

Since Abigail has agreed to help me get in touch with her brother, I believe it's ready to set up this rental business.

It was never a fully-fledged idea. It simply sprung to my mind after Connor mentioned the overstocked Holy Weapons at his disposal, and I couldn't let that opportunity pass.

Will it be a profitable model? Who knows. Well, I probably should, given that I am the most successful capitalist and whatnot, but I have never really excelled in theory, instead, I just follow my instincts, and everything seems to all work in my favor.

And right now, my instincts are telling me that this will be one hell of a success, if I can get it up and running, that is, which is exactly what I am on my way to make sure of.

I jump off the horse and rein it into the stable of the shrine. Like always, it's busy. People are coming in and out of the main building nonstop. I wonder if the commotion around my spot on the leaderboard is still buzzing around in there.

It doesn't matter, because that's not where I am going. I have my eyes on the submission office, and not through the front door.

Making sure that no one has got their eyes on me, I sneak around into the back alley between the building and the fence walls.

The dried blood of the ogre remains from the last couple of days can still be seen on the grass. I walk up to the back door and give it a few knocks.

As expected, a familiar face shows up after the door creaks open.

"Hey, Kris, back for some more gold?" Chloe asks with a two-finger wave.

"Not today," I say, "I am here to make a proposal."

"Does it involve a bridal bed?"

"No, not that kind of proposal."

Chloe chuckles. "I know. I am just joking. Go on. I'm listening."

Not a funny joke. I just got out of that mess with the other Pecunia. I am in no mood of getting into another one.

"Alright, here's what I am planning," I say.

"Big Bro Krissy, how was the lunch?" Melody asks after rushing over to answer the door.

"It was fine." I walk into the lobby of the convent.

"Wait, tell me more!" She implores with a wide smile.


Melody grips onto my sleeve and tugs my arm. "Please?"

"How about you go get changed first."

"And then you will tell me?"

"I will consider it."

"Yes!" Melody spins around and bounces away up the stairs, dripping water down her thoroughly soaked robe onto the wooden floor.

Right as when I thought I was finally left alone, Faye walks into the lobby while drying her hair with a towel. Beside her is Sister Mia.

"Oh, Kris, you are back," Faye says.

Mia sighs. "The peace and quiet were fun while it lasted."

Out of the people in the convent, I highly doubt that I am the biggest disruptor of peace.

Faye comes toward me and asks, "So, how did it go?"

"How did what go?"

"The date."

"How many times do I need to say it? There was never a date."

"Oh, sorry. The lunch, I mean. Do you think there might be another one?" Faye asks.

Mia's interest is suddenly piqued. She is facing aside to look like she is not paying attention to our conversation, but her eyes repeatedly glance over at me.

"Nope. I don't think I will see Alice again," I say.

"Aww… it was that bad?"

"I guess you could say that."

"Of course," Mia cuts in with scorn in her voice, "No one in their right mind would want to see this ogre for a second time."

"I-I don't think Kris is an ogre," Faye says and flashes me a faint smile.

"You are only saying that because he is your master, Faye," Mia says, "Who knows what the ogre will do to you if you were to disobey his orders?"

"Kris wouldn't do anything bad."

"Sure he won't."

"Where is Astra?" I ask, ignoring whatever is going on between those two.

"Astra? I think she is in the kitchen right now," Faye says.

"The kitchen? For what?"

Faye shrugs her shoulders.

"Well, I am going to talk to her about something. You guys, uh, carry on with whatever you were doing," I say.

"Alright, see you around," Faye says.

As I walk out of the lobby, I hear Mia ask Faye behind me, "How can you call that guy your master?"

Faye responds with a dry chuckle.

Now, what the hell could Astra be doing in the kitchen? I stroll down the hallway that leads to the dining hall, but this time, I take a turn around the other side.

I haven't actually been into the kitchen before, but I never imagined it to be any interesting, and now I realize that I was right. There isn't much in the kitchen. Other than a brick oven and an assortment of cookery hanging off the walls, it's mostly just empty space.

In the middle is a counter, and Bishop Cecilia is standing behind it, tossing pieces of what looks to be dried fruit out of a vase to the other side of the room.

What is she doing?

I look over to the receiving end of the flying dried fruits to find Astra shuffling around trying to catch the pieces with her gaping mouth.

"Uh…" I speak up.

As if I flipped a switch, Cecilia immediately drops down the candy in her hand and clears her throat. She turns toward me but doesn't meet my eyes.

"Oh, um… hello there, Kris."

Astra is busy in the corner chewing the vast amount of catches in her mouth.

"Sorry to intrude, Your Excellency… but I need to talk to Astra real quick."

"Ah, of course. Go ahead. I still have some work to do."

The bishop hastens past me and out of the kitchen without another word.


Huh? Whatever.

I walk to the little girl munching like a chipmunk.

"Hey, Kwis," she says, spitting bits out between her teeth.

"Swallow first."

Astra takes a big gulp. I can see a protrusion slide down her throat.

"I meant, I will wait for you to swallow- never mind."

"What do you need, Kris?" She asks.

"I have a few questions about Holy Weapons," I say.
