Business Meeting

"Is there something wrong?" I ask, unable to ignore the somberness in Sebastian's dark brown eyes.

"Do I appear suggesting so?" He asks.

"It's just… it looks like there is something on your mind."

Sebastian lets out a heavy sigh, one burdened with distress.

"Kris, you are the apostle, so I am sure you understand. The fact that our Goddess has delivered that blessing means something in Terradivina has gone terribly wrong, and we do not have the power to fix it ourselves," he says.

"I… suppose so."

"But that's no matter. My concerns amount to nothing next to yours, Kris. You will be the one to lead us out of the imminent dark times. What did you want to request from me?"

Sebastian's glare seems to penetrate through my skin into my core. He has a sense of determination I don't usually see in people without immense power. This conversation reminds me of the business meetings I have had regularly back on Earth, but it's clear that this is no zero-sum game this time.

"First of all, I want to ask you to keep my identity as the apostle secretive for now, especially from the current cardinal," I say.

"I understand. Rest assured, I shall swear my life on the confidentiality of your divine origin."

Jeez, he makes it seem like a blood oath.

"N-No, there is no need. Just try to not tell anyone," I say, "I don't mind too much, in fact, your sister is already aware."

"Abigail knows?"


"That's surprising. Our parents had mostly kept influencing information from her due to her… exceptional audacity."

I guess that's one way to put it.'

"I believe she will be more careful with the current situation," I say.

"Let's hope so. What is the next item on your agenda?"

I nod. It's time to move on to the real subject.

"After you left the Pecunia Estate yesterday," I say, "I purchased quite an abundance of Holy Weapons from Connor, and I was looking to use the Shrine of Crusaders as ground to establish a rental service. I just wanted permission from you personally before I begin."

Sebastian rests his elbows on the garden table. "You want to conduct business on the ground of the shrine?"

"Is there a problem?" I ask.

"No, of course not, there are many businesses there. Taverns, smith shops, coaches, and the sort. However, lending out Holy Weapons in the shrine might present a rather large financial risk."

"There is no need to worry over that. I have a plan in place to mitigate any form of risks."

The corner of Sebastian's eyes crinkle. It's not often I see this man smile.

"Of course, the man who rose to riches with nothing but yams is not a man without a plan," he says.

I smile back.

"Better be sure of that. Speaking of which, how is the noise around my position on the leaderboard going?" I ask.

"I issued a statement announcing that your and your fellow party members' initial assessments were inaccurate, and it has been working well in calming any unrest."

"That's good."

There is a pause of silence.

"Kris," Sebastian speaks up, "If I may ask, is your apostleship related to the disappearance of the Goddess?"

In ways you couldn't imagine, my friend.

"Yes. She has taken temporary absence as a test for the people of Terradivina. There are certain things that She hopes to be changed as a result," I say.

Sebastian nods slowly.

"Indeed," he says, staring blankly into his teacup, "there are many things that can be changed for the better."

"Oh? Are there perhaps things you want to see changed, as well?" I ask.

"I dare not question the authority of the Grand Cathedral, however, I hope one of those changes coming will be within the Church."

"There is no need to show reservation, Sebastian. I am the harbinger of all that you wish to be great in this world."

Sebastian lifts his eyes to me.

"Yes… but as a cleric, I shouldn't oppose those who share the same belief, especially in front of our apostle. Forgive me, Kris, but I have no doubt that you will soon understand the changes I want to see," he says.


What's that supposed to mean?

He picks up his teacup and tilts the rest of the content into his mouth.

"Is there anything else I can help you with?" Sebastian asks.

"No, the question about the shrine was all that I wanted to know. You didn't need to come to the convent today. I could have gone to you."

"Kris, you don't seem to understand that, as the apostle, every member of the Church is in your service," he says and stands up from his chair.

"Allies are all I need." I stand up as well and shake Sebastian's hand.

"Then it's a pleasure to be your ally."

"Thank you. Are you leaving already?"

"Yes, I apologize for the haste, but my wife is pregnant at home. I don't feel calm leaving her side for too long."

"Right, of course. I won't hold you back any longer, then," I say.

I walk Sebastian out of the balcony into the hallway. People appear to have started their days. I can hear footsteps shuffling around from the floor above us.

Sister Melanie is holding the baby's hands above his head and walking him around at the bottom of the stairs.

They see us coming down to the lobby, and the baby starts jumping up and down while cackling.

"Look, Dada is here," Melanie says to the little child.

"Da-Da!" He becomes even more excited.

Sebastian walks to his kid and picks him up. "It's time to go home to mama, Michael."

There is a warmth in his voice that wasn't present when he talked to me. That's understandable, as while the apostle symbolizes hope, they are also an indication that hope is currently in need, which is not a happy thing to be reminded of.

Melanie opens the front door for Sebastian.

"Thank you, Sister Melanie." He then turns to me. "I shall see you again soon, Kris."

"See you."

Sebastian walks out of the convent. Melanie gives them one last wave out of the door before closing it.

So, it's all set. Everything is ready to go, and now, all I can do is wait for the arrival of the Holy Weapons.

"Um… what were you guys about?" Melanie asks.

"Hm? Oh, Sebastian and I? Not much, just about the shrine and whatnot."

"And Sister Abigail?"

"What? No? Why would we talk about Sister Abigail?"

Melanie averts her eyes and begins fidgeting with her fingers.

"Ah, sorry, Sister Melody told me that when a couple is close enough, they introduce each other to their family members…" she says, her voice gradually descending in volume as her sentence goes on.

What is with those girls?

"No, I mean, yes, that is what happens, but that's what we were doing."

"I-I see."