
"I think that's all of them," I say as I take the last Divine Blade out of Astra's hand.

She lets out a sigh of relief. "Finally. That felt like it was never going to end."

Indeed. There were exactly 88 Holy Weapons inside that cabin. While each one didn't take long, and we got through them all in more or less ten minutes, the line of swords waiting to be given a "blessing" didn't appear to be declining until we were down to the very last ones.

I took a photo of every single one. The variety of weapons I went through could probably be found nowhere on Earth except for the inside of a museum or some freakish collector's house.

It turns out that the first weapon wasn't a broadsword at all. Astra told me it was called an arming sword or something. She later showed me an actual broadsword from one of the other chests. I saw no difference except for some minor styling variations.

But that's not to say that all of the 88 swords were similar. The reality is the complete opposite. In fact, I doubt a portion of them can even be called swords. There was a couple of blunt weapons. I saw a mace, a war hammer, and a metal ball attached to a chain. How those could have been called Divine Blades is beyond me.

In terms of bladed weapons, there was also a grand array. Spiked, curved, pointed, multi-pointed, curved and pointed, pointed spikes on a stick. In so many of them, I saw absolutely no context of when they would be any more proficient than a knife, but if each one of them costs a gold slab, then I've got nothing to say.

I put the claymore-looking weapon back into its chest and push it deep into the cabin. If someone were to pass by, they would probably imagine we are setting up a coup against the Church or something.

"Astra, can you go get Faye and Lohikaarmi?" I ask.

"I've just written history to help you make some coins. Can't you do that yourself?" Astra says.

"I am trying to avoid contact with Melody and Mia as much as possible."

"Or what? You are going to lose control of yourself and commit a sin that you can never repent?" Astra says with a snarky squint.


"Fine, but you'd better buy me lots of food with that money I help you make, alright?"

Is food all that's on her mind?

"Sure, I will buy you anything you want," I say.

"Never forget." She darts her finger at me and walks away to the convent.

Food or no food, I am fairly confident that money will soon no longer be a problem, but I am still lost on what I should do next. My plan was simply to rise to a position of wealth and power as soon as possible, but that was only a starting point that serves no particular purpose in advancing and colonizing this country.

I keep making plans in my head, but none of them are actually useful, because I have no idea what comes next. For now, I shall focus on what's plausible. Acquainting with the authority should probably be my next step.

The cardinal is out of the question, and since I now already know Tessa and Sebastian, I don't see how getting into contact with anyone else below the cardinal can be of any help, which means that my next guest to visit is the Pope herself.

A teenager, is she? I have no telling what a meeting with a teenage oracular sovereign would be like. Just hearing that in my head makes me question the very reality I am in right now. Only time shall tell, I suppose.

A few minutes later, Astra and the others come out from the convent's front door with Sister Melanie seeing them out.

The three say their goodbyes to each of their abilities, meaning that all Lohikaarmi gives is a slight nod, and then they come over to me.

Faye and Lohikaarmi changed out of the clothes we bought in North Cimavetta. They probably just got soaked from playing with water in the backyard, and Lohikaarmi was somehow caught in the crossfire. The two of them are now just in plain brown dresses.

Faye spots the strangely shaped and sized carriage on the road outside of the convent's gate.

"Is that yours?" She asks as she walks up beside me.

"I'm pretty sure," I say, trying to recall whether Connor told me if I was supposed to keep the carriage or not.

Faye nods and tilts her head left and right to examine this massive box of lightly colored wood connected to two horses.

"Oh yeah, Astra hasn't told me where we are going," Faye says, shifting her amber eyes back onto me.

"The shrine. There is something specific I want to do today. I will fill you in on the way there."

"Oh, okay."

"Lohikaarmi, can you drive the carriage?" I ask.

"Yes, Master."

"You guys wait here for now," I say, "Lohikaarmi, make sure no one looks in the back of the carriage, got it?"

"Yes, Master."

"Where are you going, Kris?" Faye asks as she jumps down from the cabin onto the ground of the carriage lot at the Shrine of Crusaders.

"The stall I told you about, I don't plan on running it myself. I know someone here who is willing to do that for us," I say.

"You do? Since when?" Astra asks and disembarks after Faye.

"Don't worry about it. I will be right back."

Astra looks over to Faye with a confused face, and Faye shrugs her shoulders.

Chloe was pretty skeptical when I told her about my plan. Of course, anyone would be. It's not common owning more than one Holy Weapon, let alone owning a whole arsenal of them, but she agreed nonetheless.

I sneak into the back alley and knock on the door behind the submission office. Not ten seconds later, Chloe appears from the other side.

Sometimes I wonder if she really has a job here.

"Afternoon, Kris," she says with a wave.

"Hey. I am here for what we talked about yesterday," I say.


Chloe sticks her head out and looks around the vicinity.

"You have the weapons ready?" She asks, while presumably still trying to locate where the load is.

"I told you it was going to be today, didn't I?" I say.

"Yeah, but I didn't think you were actually going to get a few dozens of Holy Weapons in one day."

"You are welcome to take a look for yourself. You will be in charge of handling them from now on, anyway."

Chloe chuckles. "I can't believe you are actually going to trust me with your Holy Weapons."

"What? Do you perhaps have a reason that I shouldn't?"

"How about the fact that you have no idea who I am?" She says.

"I do. You are Chloe Pecunia, the girl lazing around the back of the submission office who does whatever I tell her to."

"You are… whatever. It's your money. If people end up not returning them, it's not my fault, okay?" Chloe says with a sigh.

"Don't worry about that."