Julian and Peaches

The Cardinal's nephew? What is my luck? The day I try to make something out of the money I "stole" from the cardinal, his nephew has to show up for a completely different reason and harass my acquaintances.

It doesn't take long before the sleazeball notices Chloe's metallic footsteps. Julian turns his head toward me and greets me with a wide smile.

"Hey! You must be these chicks' master," he says with his hands held out in front of him.

"Stay here, let me handle this," I whisper to Chloe beside me.

"Kris, be careful, you really do not want to get on his bad side," Chloe whispers back.

Nor does he want to get on mine.

"Yes, can I help you?" I say and walk up beside the carriage.

Julian places his hand on Faye's shoulder, whose awkward smile is clearly indicating that Julian's contact is unsolicited.

"Well, I was just wondering how much you want for the two of them," he says while jerking his head backward, to… wave his hair around or something.

"Excuse me?" I ask.

"Ah, you must be uneducated to not understand the concept of trade. I am interested in purchasing your slaves, and the price is negotiable."

What a fucking guy. Two statements in, and I am already having a hard time suppressing my desire to send this guy through the wooden wall behind him.

I click my tongue and say, "I do understand the concept of trade, thank you very much. I just can't put my servants up for an exchange."

Julian chuckles. "That's ridiculous. Anything can be put up for an exchange. Name your price. I will make sure to treat you and your slaves well," he says and caresses Faye's cheek. She jolts back a little but doesn't show any resistance.

"Oh, I can ask for anything?" I ask, putting on an ironic undertone.

"Yes, exactly, you are finally getting it." Julian doesn't seem to notice my sarcasm.

"Well, then, I will give you my two servants for your severed head in a bag, please," I say and take a step forward.

Before I can take the second step, I feel a hand pressed up against my chest. It's the Blessed Beast. She somehow got right beside me in an instant and is stopping me from advancing. A coldness shoots out of her side glance.

"Stand down, Peaches, dear," Julian says, completely unfazed.

At the same time, I discreetly gesture toward Lohikaarmi to extinguish the ball of flame burning in her hand.

"So, no deal?" Julian asks.

"I have already listed my terms," I say and take the Blessed Beast's hand off me.

Julian sighs. "What a shame. Well, if you ever change your mind, I will come and find you."

What is that supposed to mean?

Julian lets go of his clutches on Faye and walks toward me. He wraps his hand around his Blessed Beast's waist and pulls her closer.

"I still got you, don't I? Peaches?" He asks.

"Yes, Master," the Blessed Beast says with shadow over her eyes as Julian moves his hand farther down. The two of them walk past me, and Julian gives me a smirk.

"Ms. Pecunia," he greets Chloe with a nod.

"Mr. Weston."

And just like that, the two have left the stable.

Faye lets out a long sigh and drops down her tense shoulders.

"Ah, Kris, thank the Goddess you came in time. The man said he was just going to take us if you didn't show up," Faye says.

"That wouldn't have happened. Lohikaarmi would have turned him into ashes before he could leave the stable with you guys," I say.

"Should I do that now, Master?" Lohikaarmi asks.

"Uh…" I turn to Chloe, who responds with a strong shake of her head. "No, it's fine. As long as he doesn't bother us anymore," I say.

"Yes, Master."

"Damn, I really wanted to see something go down. All that buildup for nothing," Astra complains.

"How about I trade you for that guy's 'Peaches'?" I say.

"Nah, he's boring."

Chloe walks up and joins the group. She leans toward me and whispers, "You have made a grave mistake, Kris."

"Why?" I ask.

"You don't disobey the Westons' orders. I am afraid that you will have to watch your back for as long as you are in Terradivina," she says.

"I'd like to see him try."

"How can you be so confident? Just Julian has dozens of S-rank crusaders working for him."

"Is he that dangerous?" Faye asks, overhearing our conversation.

Chloe nods grimly.

Faye looks over to me with her brows weighed down from concern. "M-Maybe I should let him take me so you don't get hurt, Kris."

"Faye, did you forget who we are?"


"Even with the entire Shrine, he wouldn't be able to lay a finger on us."

Faye turns over to Lohikaarmi and says after a pause, "Right…"

"What? Who even are you guys?" Chloe asks.

"Don't worry about it."

"Oh, by the way," Astra suddenly cuts in, "Did that guy call you Ms. Pecunia?"

"Yeah. My name is Chloe Pecunia. Why?"

"Do you know an Alice with the same name?"

"Yes. She is my cousin. Kris asked me the same thing. Are you guys close with her?"

Astra's face brightens up. "Of course! She is my brother's fiancée."

"What?" Chloe turns to me with wide eyes.

"She is spewing nonsense, just ignore her. Let's get the business set up."

"Um… okay?"

I walk to the back of the carriage and pull down the wooden flap, revealing the piles of chests full of Holy Weapons, now Divine Blades, stacked in the cabin.

"O, sweet Goddess, you really have brought all of them," Chloe says as she comes over to me and looks in the back.

"Yep." I reach into the cabin and pull out one of the chests. "Come with me."


"Lohikaarmi, stay here and guard the carriage. If that Julian guy comes back, or in fact anyone else, do anything you want, but no fire, got it?"

"Yes, Master."


With the chest in my hands and the girls with me, I start walking back to the submission office.

"Where are we setting it up?" Faye asks.

"Right outside of the submission office," I say, "That way, we can make it so that the borrower will have to return their Holy Weapon before they can collect the reward from their quest."

"That's smart," Chloe says.

No, that's common sense.

After we arrive beside the entrance of the submission office, I tell Chloe to go find a desk and some pen and paper that we can use, and we are now waiting.

Some crusaders walk by and give us weird looks, confused as to what we are doing, and one of them, who just walked out from the building, has a familiar face.

"Kris, what's going on?"

It's Owen. He is holding a small pouch containing what I assume to be a few coins.

"Oh, hey, Owen. You came at a perfect time," I say.
