Out Of The Void

His left hand shook away the pain as it spasmed uncontrollably, reaching for the stone. With every bit of strength he mustered, he transported the flaming stone to his mouth.

He then gnawed at it, crunched it, chewing and chewing even though blood was overflowing—dripping to his whole damaged apparel.

As long as the stone and the poisonous kerosene could give him those precious minutes of nourishment, he wouldn't mind the foul taste and the pain that he needed to endure to grind the stone into pieces.

Strangely enough, either it was because of a mental image of the Placebo effect, or was it because eating stone could generate him some energy—Jack was able to muster more strength than normal so he ate more stones as he dodged.

Now that he had an excess strength, he rapidly created another flaming stone and hurled them onto the visceral ever growing monster. Knowing that flame works so well against the Teratoma, Jack wondered if it was the same case to this being.

Jack was already targeted after all. There was no need to hold off his aggression when the monster was already aggroed enough that it spawned even more purple flame cannons.

Then again, the purple flame cannons were the least amount of worries he had. Maybe if a normal person without the safety jacket replaced him, they would be burned to crisp.

"Wait, that intense purple flame didn't affect the black flesh at all, why would I even try?"

And so came the perpetual pursuit of endless tendrils from the damned. Jack slashed most of the incoming tentacles from his adversary with the glaive, trying to prevent a huge amount of the fleshy tendrils from overwhelming the platforms.

Three minutes left.

The attack pattern became even more and more ferocious as the flesh started to cover more ground on the floating platform within the endless space of nothing. Jack was forced to stay within the edge.

Because he was near the skirt of the platform, he began to notice quite a few details that he wasn't able to analyze within the area near the center.

Jack saw some of the stone and excess dark flesh that began to float when it was out of the boundary. As if there was no gravity in there.

The growing flesh began to rapidly declare its territory faster and faster. By one minute, there won't be any ground for Jack to stand on.

Even so, it would be really bad if it was not the same case when it came to a living being. Jack might probably fall into eternal darkness forever.

'A gamble huh!?' Jack stomped his tired legs onto the front before leaping out of the platform. 'Yolooooo!'

Either Jack stayed on the platform or not, the result won't be that different after all.

He then won the flip coin of fate and the place outside of the boundary had nearly zero gravity that was able to hurl him down.

Of course, because of the short circuiting of thought, now he realized that he needed something to propel himself out of the way.

Out of the way from the incoming tendrils that would turn him into a skewered octopus.

Jack could hear another shriek from the enlarging abomination as some of its flesh began to protrude more body parts into the air and onto Jack's location at high velocity.

The moment four of the tendrils were sprawled towards Jack, he dodged the one that was aiming his chest by using his tentacle to shift the weight onto the other side like a fish's tail flapping underwater.

'Too close!'

Another shriek boomed into the eternal realm. Beneath the corner of his sight, a strange dark portal was suddenly manifested out of nowhere.

Jack darted his gaze to the surroundings, searching for another similar portal. His suspicion was contagious to him, he immediately latched his octopus limb onto the ever growing black tentacle.

He then went into the ride as travelled in the opposite direction from the black flesh monster with its own sprouting tendrils. With his eyes still on the portal, he ate another rock produced from his tentacle, which was still unknown on whether it was actually increasing his stamina or not.

[The hell, Jack. I'm off cracking this entire being's existence, and the moment I didn't put my eyes on you, a stone is being crunched at your mouth.]

"My stomach is able to process anything, right!? Why are you this surprised!?"

[I just didn't think that you would go that low.]

He was parting away unopposed by just latching at the ever growing tentacle shooting to the sky. It seemed like the fleshy monster couldn't really control its limb when it decided to let it ride into space and beyond.

One second later, the portal immediately sprouted an unending straight line of the same limb that Jack was latching into. It was also followed by many propelled tarnished souls that could result in instant death when met in contact.

"That is a lot of deadly glowing orbs." Jack wryly chuckled. "Thankfully, it was only one and the winding up before the limb being travelling out is slow enough to be avoided."

A second after his speech, a hundred of those portals appeared on the eternally vast dark purple space, angled in various directions.

[We need to cure your jinxing, Jack.]

"Just call it a prophetic, sarcastic innate instinct!"

[Regardless, I think I've cracked the code rather fairly.]

Jack, with a traumatized expression, was constantly glancing at all directions as his whole body got intoxicated by the amount of portals appearing left and right.

"Tell me then!"

[This whole space and time, or should I say, Realm—is the manifestation of a paradoxical conflict made by a reality bending field that is controlled by the center of the guardian—

"I'm not a scientist! Please speak within my language!" Jack began shedding tears as he saw more and more portals appeared within the realm's space.

[Basically, you can't kill that thing within its area of influence. Which is spanning more than kilometers away from the center_

[That weapon in your hand is still the key to destroying that creature, but it isn't in its strongest form yet. This might be just a speculation but I'm recommending you to travel away as far as you could from that monster until you hit the subconscious state of field of that thing_

[It's our only choice, because there is nothing else you could do to kill it and get away from this isolated space without any help.]

"What do you mean by help?"