Zarno clicked his tongue as he watched the young girl tending to her wounds. "The girl should know when to strike when needed. What is the purpose of the aether magic when the girl still suffers?"
"Suffer? When did I?" Theta continued patching her back with the cloth she had just taken from a servant's basket.
Zarno swallowed his swear words. Somehow, he knew that the moment Theta's mother died, Theta's heart and emotions were also put to slumber. The way Theta view the world was in between black and white, well, mostly black. With Theta's insidious grand scheme for the entire Amina Kingdom, even Zarno was reluctant to put pressure on the seemingly harmless young lady in front of him.
Coughing to break the silence that ensued after Theta's question, Zarno deviated the topic to the reason why he was summoned at the very heart of the Valley of Trials. "How bad should I rough him up?"