Dark Aura

"There is an array here somewhere," murmured Ruka. 

The three of them had walked around this part of the cliff. Noticing something amiss, Zarno and Ruka quickly realized that they were walking in circles all this time.

Theta Mariyah once read about arrays in passing, but Ruka's books and scrolls did not focus about it. What she only knew was that a certain type of array could contain even a divine beast.

Looking at Ruka, Theta asked. "Is this one of the arrays used for containing a beast, Ruka?"

Ruka shook his head, his gaze still looking around as if he was looking for something. "No. That type of array you have read from the stuff I've gave you can only act as a temporary defensive containment. It does not do this… an illusion that would send the identified people of interest into an endless loop."

Amazed by the new knowledge she had gained, Theta observe Ruka. "What are you looking for then?"