Seal Of Light

Instead of answering, Third Prince Zen Lykus only smiled at Nero and Theta Mariyah. Seeing that the Third Prince did not answer her, she respected his story.

Nodding at him, she said, "We will have to go then."

"Go on. You will enjoy it. I promise."

Theta Mariyah managed to shrug the Third Prince from her mind when she drew nearer to the hovering gigantic tree village. She could not crane her neck enough as she relished the feeling of being soaked in the warm ambiance.

The nearest dwelling would be two to three meters from the ground. There were vines hanging around. They pulled twigs and small branches together to create ladders and bridges crisscrossing between one tree to another. Hundreds of firefly flocks lit the shadowy area that the hue of purple and azure could not reach.