15 The black BMW

"Here Alex mate, stop here I'm needing a drink" Jack said as he looked at a black BMW with tinted black windows and a shine coming from the body work and the rest of the car's black exterior,

"Okay Jack, is anybody needing the toilet while we are here?" Alex asked looking in the car's rear view mirror at the two lad's situated in the back seat's with an empty seat in between them both,

"Naw bruv, I'm good, what about you Killer?" MurDer asked Killer politely as Jack was already annoyed at him and he did not want to get shoved back into Jack's car's trunk again,

"No I am also good for now" Killer responded as Alex pulled up into the parking lot of the service station near Macclesfield, confused as to why they have chosen that particular spot instead of the one that they had already driven past and that was 3 hours behind them and from this particular station,

Jack put his block Insidr of his holster looking at Killer through his Perivial vision before he coldly got out of the car and sparked up a cigerette,

The three lad's sat idal as they watched Jack walk towards the entrance,

"Alex?" Killer asked concerned about what Jack was about to get himself into,

"Is Jack going to kill someone else?" He asked Alex frightened because he absolutely adored Jack and felt safe around him,

"Nah lad see that gun goes with Jack everywhere, it has done for as long as he first got it" Alex told him sincerely,

"See it all started back in two thousand and sixteen" Alex said informingly,

"And well Jack had got two brand new Cleaver's as a gift for a job" Alex said unaware the he was triggering a flash back for Jack while he was in the stations toilet,

"Okay Alex but then what happened?" Killer asked while MurDer stared at Alex as if to say 'no man dont do this, it ain't the time nor the place to trigger Jack's memories of this"

"Well you see it went like this" Alex spoke,

*Knock, Knock, Knock*

"Yo Jack, are you free? I got you something, it's two dope sharp blades" Robbie said as he handed Jack the brand new meat Cleaver's,

"Have we got a target and the info that I need?" Jack asked Robbie as he was ready to mess someone up for a couple of quidvin his pocket,

"Yeah bruv and the boss choose you as one he want's them dead and two he said that you are the best man for the job" he said as he handed Jack an envelope that said 'TopSecret' on it, "so he told me to deliver this file and that he want's me to tell you that he wants you to do it as again he said that you are the best at what we do" Robbie said while Jack quickly counted 5K and looking in the envelope briefly,

"Ahh okay bro, yeah I will do it, but since there's only 5K it has to be done alone and you know the rule's man" Jack said as he accepted the Job and as he slowly closed the front door making everything look as if it was a normal day as Jack didn't want to get arrested,

"Then what happened Alex?" Killer asked Alex curious to find out what had exactly went down on this job to make Jack always carry a weapon that he so frequently used, "who was it Jack had to kill?" He asked Alex further,

"Well you see when Jack got into his mums front room.."

Jack opened the envelope and pulled out the target information and read started to read the information on the first sheet,

"Now thats so fuckedbup, this can't be right" Jack said completely shocked as to who the target was, " I can't kill my own.."

Just then Alex's phone started to ring and it was jack who was calling him,

"Yo Jack, what's up man?" Alex asked as he answered the phone completely unaware that he made Jack shoot someone in the toilet in the service station,

"Stop talking about this man, Don't fucking trigger me bruv, you know what happens every time" Jack said in a dominant manner,

Jack hung up the phone and headed to the check out with a small bottle of his favorite pop drink doctor pepper,

As jack headed for the counter he had saw a man who appeared to look and resemble his Grand dad Ben a bit who had spotted Jack too so jotted down about isle to avoid Jack,

Jack dismissed this for a brief moment before asking himself

"Was that granddad Ben? Nah couldn't have been, could it?"

Jack reached the ti all and stood there waiting for the store clerk to come and serve him,

"Paying by card please mate" Jack said as this man came around the corner and looked at Jack with blatant fear in his eye's as if to say 'I hope that he didn't notice me'

"Alright Granddad Ben?" Jack said subconsciously as he walked past leaving the shop,

"Right lad's Jack's on his way back to the car" Alex said as he watched Jack hide behind the building's corner next to the shop door,

"What the fuck is Jack doing now?" Alex said as jack stood there behind the wall watching this man come out and get into his car,

Jack waited for the guy to get away from the shop door a small amount which was sooner than originally expected as the guy was walking as fast as he possibly could like he was trying to avoid being seen and followed by Jack,

Jack quickly sprang to his car and got into the car and looked at Alex with a grin on his face,

"Yo Alex" Jack said

"Follow that black BMW, I think it's granddad Ben, geezer looked like him and everything bro" Jack said informingly,

"Okay Jack, right guy's buckle up we're going to track this guy and try to figure out why Ben's all the way down here and two hours away from his town" Alex said as he started up the car's engine