18 The ghosts of yeasterday

He stepped into the long dull hallway and headed for the lift at the opposit end of the hotel,

"Ugh fucking brilliant, this Hall's the scene of a horror movie" Jack said as the light's started to flicker on and off,

"Jack come and play with me" a voice spoke it was the voice of a boy, no older than five year's of age,

The boy pulled on Jack's jacket and ran down a long dark hall eerie hall,

"It's like four in the morning kid and I dont play game's nor do I play game's with a child" Jack said as he turned to walk to the stair case at the other end of the hotel's floor,

"Jack how dare you talk to my son like that" the disembodied voice of his mum said as she shoved Jack,

"Mum you only have three sons and all three of us are alive" Jack responded,

"You are not my son Jack, this boy is and you will never be this boy ever again" she shouted shoving Jack again this time bouncing him off of the white wall,

"What do you mean cunt?" Jack said angrily as the ghost of his mother attacked him yet again,

"This is who you use to be before that thing done all of that, I wish he had killed you as then my boy would have survived" she said angrily before shoving him into the stair Case's door,

"If you wasn't born then none of this would have even happened, your innocence wouldn't have been haunting me for the past 16 year's, so now we are going to haunt you, and this is my HOTEL SO GET OUT" She shouted as she threw Jack down the marble stair case and slamming the door shut as Jack landed he opened up his eye's,

"What the fuck?" Jack said confused on how he was back in his room again,

"I really need to see a psychologist the first chance that I get" Jack said to himself as he got back up and headed to the door again grabbing his cigelarettes,

He opened the door and headed to the lift again noticing the change in the atmosphere, it felt calmer Jack opened up his cigarette box and counted the cigarettes inside of it,

"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven and eight" Jack said taking out cigarette number nine,

"Jack, please play with me we use to do everything together and we use to be close" the boy said giggleling as he shoved Jack into the lift's door and hitting Jack repeatedly over the back of his cranium with the handle of a broom,


Jack opened his eyes and he was back in his room for the third time he looked around again and stood back up,

"Man this shit needs to fucking stop now" jack said as he left the room and headed for the lift, he slammed the door closed and started his journey down the same hallway for what felt like the fith time,

"Jack please, D.H hurt us,

Jack don't want to play with me,

Look at what D.H done to me,

I will always remain an enermy, 

Jack will never be friend's with me" the boy chanted as jack pressed the call button for the lift,

"Well as long as you dont fuck with me in the wrong way we can be friend's me from like 16 year's back" Jack said as he waited for the lift to arrive at the very floor that Jack was on,


'Please keep away from the door's' the automated voice commanded as Jack stepped inside,

Jack turned around and pressed the ground floor button,

"First floor selected" the automated voice responded,

"Okay, you must be malfunctioning, I'll talk to the guy at the front desk when I leave" Jack said as he felt the boys hand's on his lower back slamming him into the reflective walls of the lift,

"Jack's not aloud to leave, Jack has to stay and play with me forever and ever, or JACK WILL DIE" The boy said with a deepening demonic time as he slammed Jack into everything inside of the lift,

'99th floor' the automated voice spoke as the boy threw Jack around the lift,

"Fuck this, I'm out of this lift" Jack said freaking out due to the small space and a slight case of clusterphobia flairing up,

The door's opened up and Jack didn't hesitate, he stepped out of the lift and headed for the stair case

"I would rather get pushed and chased down these that be shoved in a life that small any day" Jack spoke aloud as he walked down each step paranoid that a ghost was going to creep on him and throw him down the stair's,

"Jack run son" the disembodied voice of Samuel whispered in his ear "He's coming to kill you Jack, run" he said louder "RUN JACK RUN!" He shouted pushing Jack and coursing him to run down the stair case as fast as he could without stopping at all,

Jack reached the first floor finally and stepped into the hallway, he looked around for any sign's of a paranormal and frightening pressemce but he couldn't sense anything, Jack started to head down the next long hallway which seemed to streach out for what felt like hour's and hour's on end,

"Awe fuck here we go" Jack said as the ground started to thud as like there was a giant metal thing charging down them,

Jack sprant down a cut off in the hallway hoping to get away from the thud's of a taughment that familiar that he couldn't help stand still,

Jack turned around and saw the exact Metal train from his old nightmare's charging at him at full speed, nothing could stop him, Jack pulled out his glock and shot at the thing 25 time's but each bullet bounced off him,

"If I make it out of this alive, I will be in the next book" Jack said showing how aware he was of himself and what world he was in,

"But I am a Sheppard and we fight and we never give up, so if I go down D.H I'm taking your abusive arse with me" Jack said as he slung out his glock and aimed it right at D.H the train's head ready to pull the trigger,

Jack placed his index finger on the trigger and went to pull it and that is when everything went dark