First Friend! Kinda?

Yunata sits down for lunch for the first time ever with his family as his mom prepares it.

Yunata: So, where's my father?

Vivian: Damnit, he's out of town!

Madelyn: It's fine, he'll be back in 2 days. You can come back then, right Yunata?

Yunata: Sure.

Vivian: I still can't believe I found you just walking around like that. My oh my.

Yunata: I'm happy you did. You helped me achieve part of what I came here for.

Vivian: What are you here for?

Yunata: Well... um...(he thinks it's corny and is too embarrassed to actually say it)

Vivian: Well?

Yunata: I came here to try and make people feel more comfortable around me, but it seems that they already do.

Madelyn: You can thank your sister for that. Everyone used to be afraid of her the same way they were afraid of you, but they quickly realized that even though she was much stronger than them, she was still just a little girl who loved to play.

Yunata: Oh, thanks I guess.

Vivian: No problem!(thumbs up)

Madelyn: So, where have you even been all this time Yunata?

Yunata: Nowhere good. I've been living as a homeless, helpless bum. But luckily some people decided I could work with them. And we ended up becoming friends after they gave me free food and shelter.

Madelyn: Oh no... this whole time, you had to go and live on your own with no help... I'm so sorry I didn't go looking for you...

Yunata: You wouldn't have found me even if you did! Can you believe I ran laps around the world until I passed out!

Madelyn: Of course I can believe that! You are Yunata after all, you can do anything you put your mind to.

Yunata: Maybe.

Yunata cannot conceal his happiness from hearing those words from his mother. He smiles and blushes, happier than he had ever been in his whole life.

Vivian: So what did you plan on doing after getting everyone to like you?

Yunata: Well, to be honest. I didn't think I'd get to that stage. And I don't think I did yet. I met some dude and it seems he really dislikes me even after I saved him.

Vivian: What! Let's go speak to him right now!

Yunata: What? Why?

Vivian: Because! He should be on his knees worshipping you! How ignorant of him.

Yunata: THAT'S WHAT I WAS THINKING! But I'm not in a position where I can say that to him. Since I did unintentionally kidnap him.

Vivian: How...

Yunata: Well, I put him inside of a ball, forgot he was in the ball, and walked around the city with him. But, I offered to take him back home and he declined! And I still took him home anyway and he was still mad! I can't believe him. You know what, yeah, let's go see him.

Madelyn: Please don't get in a fight!

Yunata: We won't.

Vivian: Let's go!

Vivian and Yunata pulls up to Danilo's home. Vivian knocks on the door over and over again until Danilo finally comes down and opens it.



Danilo: WHAT ARE YO-

Yunata: Can you guys stop yelling. Please.

Danilo: I already told you thanks, so what are you here for. To bully me? You decided since I was so weak you could make me your dog?

Yunata: No, I wanted to be your friend. Yes, you are overwhelmingly weak, but why would I "make you my dog" because of that?

Danilo: Oh... sorry... that's usually what people try to do with me...

Yunata: Well, um... I'm not here to do that. I just want to become friends, is that fine?

Danilo: Yeah, sure. We can be friends!

Yunata: Loo-

Yunata turns to see Vivian doing her best not to cry, but she can't stop herself from bursting out into tears as she begins to talk.


Yunata: Geez, calm down.

Danilo: Oh... sure... I guess lunch wouldn't be bad.

Vivian: THANK YOU!

Vivian storms off back to the house.

Yunata: Want me to take you?

Danilo: What makes you think I can't go by myself?

Yunata: I just wanted us to get there faster is all.

Danilo: Well in that case, please do.

Yunata carries Danilo over and they all arrive back to the house for lunch.

Madelyn: I thought you guys were mad at him, now he's eating lunch with us?

Vivian: It was a misunderstanding is all!

Danilo: Hello, ma'am.

Madelyn: Hey sweetie, what is your name?

Danilo: Danilo.

Vivian: That's such a cute name! You know, now that I look at you more. You kinda look like a girl too. Are you?

Madelyn: That's rude to ask Vivian!

Vivian: Oh, sorry.

Danilo: Nah it's okay, I get told that all the time. I personally think it's a compliment.

Vivian: Yunata, why are you staring at him like that?!? You think he's cute too?

Yunata: I guess.

Vivian: Oh.

Yunata: Was I supposed to say no?

Vivian: Well that would have made it funnier.

Madelyn: Eat your food guys!

Yunata and Vivian: Sorry!

Yunata: So Vivian, you wanted to come with me?

Vivian: Yeah!

Yunata: What about you Danilo, you can live in a free mansion! And get free food!

Madelyn: Do I get this offer as well?!?

Yunata: Well unfortunately, people don't really like us. So we fight people very often. Super strong people. I could never ask you to live somewhere like that.

Vivian and Danilo: WELL WHAT ABOUT US?!?

Yunata: Don't worry Vivian, I can tell you won't be in danger. As for you Danilo, I can protect you. I know that for a fact.

Danilo: Even if you can, this doesn't sound like a good idea...

Yunata: Well I kinda just wanted to be able to see you every day, but it's fine if you don't want to. Not like it's much of a struggle to come here anyway.

Danilo: After really thinking this through I've come to the conclusion that I will go with you.

Yunata: Cool, you Vivian?

Vivian: Of course! Don't worry mom, I'll come see you every day!

Madelyn: You're 18 now, and done with school. You're free to make whatever choices you want.

Vivian: Well, I choose to visit you everyday!

Madelyn: (giggles)Okay.

Yunata: Welp it's settled. You guys are coming with me when I leave.

After finishing lunch Yunata, Vivian, and Danilo continue to hang out for the rest of the day. It's 9pm and the trio is headed home, until Yunata gets a weird feeling. He feels as if something bad is happening at the HQ. He tries confirming if anything is happening by searching the auras around the HQ but obviously, he fails to do so.

Yunata: Vivian, walk Danilo home. I'll be right back.

Vivian: Where ya going?

Yunata: I just wanna check something at the mansion real quick, I'll be back very fast. Won't be long.

Vivian: Why can't we come with you?

Yunata: Well... I mean... you can... but...

Vivian: But...?

Yunata: Fine.

Yunata quickly swallows Vivian and Danilo in his "Black Orbit" and quickly runs his way over to the HQ. Vivian breaks out of the black hole after they arrive at the HQ.

Vivian: Why didn't you just fly, would've been much faster.

Yunata: What do you mean much faster? We got here like, instantly. What difference would it make.

Vivian: I don't know, but you should still fly.

Yunata: Well I don't know how to.

Vivian: How?!?

Yunata and Vivian haven't noticed because they were too busy talking to each other, but they have actually joined the battlefield. A fight between another group had broken out with the Star Organization. A stray attack is about to hit Vivian, Yunata goes to block it for her but she defends herself in time and blocks it herself.

Yunata: You're actually like, pretty strong. Are our parents strong like us?

Vivian: Not at all! But, you and I are super strong. Only reason I could think of is that mom and dad have perfectly compatible genes!

Yunata: That doesn't even make sense.

Vivian: You're acting pretty nonchalant despite it looking like a war has broken out.

Yunata: You too, what do you normally d- WHAT?!?

Yunata turns around to see a massive battle between his own and another group going on. After realizing they are losing he hides Vivian and Danilo in a bush nearby and tells them to stay put.

Vivian: Who do you think is winning?

Danilo: Not him, that's for sure.

Vivian: What makes you say that?

Danilo: He was scared for his friends before he left us, they're definitely losing.

Vivian: Then shouldn't we help?

Danilo: Well, I can't fight. You could help though!

Vivian: I'll stay put for now... and protect you!

Danilo: Thank you so much!

Yunata hops onto the dilapidated building, viewing the massacre from above. 

Yunata: Why are we losing, and so badly?

Because Yunata hardly uses any bit of his aura when fighting, he can't feel that he is being weakened along with the rest of the group.

Naomi: I told you guys it would be easy, they're too reliant on their aura to beat us.

Veira: Well can you blame them? They all have such strong and amazing abilities, I'd be the same if I had those powers.

Naomi: Look at us though, we all have extremely powerful and unique abilities. But we aren't half as bad as them when it comes to fighting without them.

Oliver: We definitely do rely on our abilities though, I mean, I don't think we would've beaten them if we had just fought normally.

Naomi: Whatever.

Yunata: Fight me normally then, we can find out that way.

Yunata slowly falls to the ground standing on top of a body of bubbles supporting his body.

Miya: Were you here this whole time?

Yunata: You think I'd let my friends get beat up like this if I was here?

Payton: Beat up? Sorry but, they're all dead.

Yunata: No way, they wouldn't die to a bunch of fodders like you guys.

Yunata glances over at Qajiri's face and realizes they really are dead. He keeps his composure knowing fully well that letting it effect him right now will only get him killed along with them.

Jordyn: Sorry about your friends, but it's their fault we even had to fight in the first place.

Yunata: How come?

Jordyn: Well, we told them to stop their studies but they wouldn't listen. We told them if they continued we'd stop them no matter how we had to, and that's how we got here.

Yunata: What are you so mad about their studies for?

Yunata realizes he wasn't fully informed on what the Star Organization is up to, but decides because they're so nice, he shouldn't have to worry.

Jordyn: Because they'll be the reason the human race gets wiped out, of course we'd stop that from happening.

Yunata: Ok... well I'm pretty mad that the only way you guys could resolve it is by killing them. So I don't care who's in the right, you're not going to just go home after killing them.

Jordyn: Why are you making it seem as if we were going to run from you? You brought yourself to us, so now you're gonna die alongside these dumbasses. Then we won't need to worry about the studies anymore.

Yunata: You won't have to worry about anything, being dead is truly a blessing.

This is the end, sorry it took so long!