Malicious Players

"I can't use this soul enhancement stones, but they can be sold for money."

Although the elementary soul enhancement stone is not as valuable as the special-grade soul enhancement stone, in the early stage, it can definitely sell for ten gold coins.

Ten pieces is one hundred gold coins.

"There is still 800 experience points left for me to level up."

Michael clicked on his property panel and looked at the experience bar.

"After the mission is completed, my level should be close to level 5. When i reach level 6, I can explore the forest, and then prepare for the boss fight."

In the world of "Void", after entering the game, there will be ten different novice villages.

These ten novice villages can accommodate the entire Blue Star players.

Michael is assigned to [Monsoon Town]

All ten novice villages are [Mystic Town] [Swan Town] [Grave Town] [Berry Town] [Monsoon Town] [Purple Town] [Grand City] [Thousand Tree Town] [Grey Night Town] [Fragrant Flower Town].

Every novice villages has its own unique treasures and opportunity.

But in the same way, every novice villages has a unique BOSS.

Players can only reach the main world after defeating the BOSS.

(AN: You will also learn what the main world is in the following chapters. )

In every novice villages, the tenth level is the full level.

Therefore, in order not to delay the progress of his upgrade, Michael must defeat the BOSS at level 10 so that the experience points that he will gain later will not be wasted.

Monsoon Town does may not look big, but it can actually accommodates 30 million players.

When the players were spawned, they were assigned to the outskirts of Monsoon Town, and it was very convenient to get in and out of the town. As for the inside of Monsoon Town, it would take a long journey to explore.

The number of people allocated to each novice village is different. As a city, the [Grand City] accommodates billions of players, with a large area, like half the earth.

The smallest [Swan Town] can only accommodate 20 million players.

"If I remember correctly, the number of players needed to kill the Boss Monster of Monsoon Town is 10,000.

Michael thought as he walked back.

He quickly walked to the vicinity of the old mayor.

[Delivery task]

"Thank you adventurer, you really got rid of that huge disaster!"

[Reward: EXP+5000, flash boots(silver)] [Congratulations on your upgrade to level 5]

[(Enhanced Version) Flash Boots(Silver) (+4)(Max)]

[Type: Boots]

[Level: 5]

[Agility +180]

[Effect: your movement speed is doubled

depending on your agility attribute, and at the same time, all your skills that can increase movement speed will last twice it's duration. ]


"These boots are not bad."

This effect directly doubles his movement speed. Moreover, the active skill effect of [Ghost Walker's Protection] can change the duration of his bonus from 20 seconds to 40 seconds.

[Active Skill: increase movement speed by 200%, duration 40 (20x2) seconds, cooling time: 60 seconds. ]

The equipment he previously obtained [Bracers of Resentment(Silver)] can now also be equipped because he already been upgraded to level 5.

"With just 23% of the experience points, i can get the second SSS-rank talent.".

Thinking of this, Michael couldn't help but become more excited.

The first SSS-rank talent that he received is already against the sky. He doesn't know how outrageous his second one.

As everyone know, the SSS-rank talents known in the previous life can be counted with fingers.

Even the gods, not all of them have SSS-ranked talent.

The number of god spirit races is so small that, along with the problem of probability, resulting in the entire expanse of the universe, there are only a small number of god races with SSS-rank talent.

You know, the entire universe has more than hundreds of trillions of lives.

Even if the number of ganges sand is multiplied, it may not be able to count number of lives of the universe.

And among so many lives, the existence of SSS-rank talent is so rare.


Michael chose a direction, found the teleportation array out of town, and left directly.

[Monsoon Town(South)]

At this time, there are still many players killing mice at the entrance of the town.

They have slowly figured out a set of more efficient upgrade methods.

"Brother, that person is?"

"That person is Eternal Time!"

"That player who killed the level 5 Lord-rank Boss for the first time?"

"Why is his body glowing?"

Some players immediately clicked on the [Help Manual].

[Help Manual] contains the most basic common sense of the game.

"It seems that if you wear three or more pieces of silver quality equipment on your body, you will get a faint silver light?"

Everyone looked down at the [Help Manual] and looked up at Michael, who was walking towards the distance as if nothing had happened.

"This… seems to be exactly the same as in the description."

"No wonder he can kill the level 5 boss, it turned out to be assisted by silver equipment."

"I don't know what kind of shit luck this kid have, and he was able to get three silver equipment."

"I heard that the major guilds are looking for him now, should we report his whereabouts?"

"No, the major guilds are looking for him to recruit him to join the guild. Do you know how high the bargaining chips of those guilds are?"

"How high?"

"They want to hire him to join their guild with a monthly salary of 500,000 yuan.

"F*ck, which guild is it, so generous?"

"Haha, is this a big deal? It's still the lowest bid. Its in the [Monthly Guild] in Monsoon Town. I heard that other guilds are willing to hire him with a monthly salary of 3 million."

"As far as I can see, this man only completed the kill with the advantage of the equipment he picked up in the early stage. If we can get his equipment…"

Among everyone, the daydreams of the level 1 players who are cruelly attacking mice gradually arise.

"It is written in the [Help Manual] that if you kill a player, there will be a 30% probability of dropping a piece of equipment on the player's body."

As soon as this sentence came out, many players were excited.

"No matter how good he is, he is only a person, no matter how many skills he has, he only have three skills."

With that said, a male player with a pointed face and a sniffed nose sent out a team invitation to several players around him.

"F*ck a big vote?"

[Poppy] joined the team, [Instant Evil Rise] joined the team, [Disguise] joined the team, [Mask House] joined the team.

All of a sudden, a five-person team assembled.


Michael is walking towards the forest, because when become level 6, he will activate the [Token of Forest Spirit].

He is now going to the forest, he will kill a few monsters to reach the level 6, just to activate the token and spawn a hidden copy.

There is no need to go to the forest after other tasks and upgrades, as this will detour a long way.

While walking forward, Michael also found a group of trash fish behind him.

"Hehe, do you want to surround me with an advantage of numbers of people?"

For these players coming to die, Michael is quite happy.

After all, out of the ten equipment positions, he only filled the five spots.

They are [Rings] [Armor] [Heavy sword] [Shoes] and [Wristbands].

The remaining five equipment positions that he did not filled yet are [Cloak] [Earrings] [Necklace] [Shorts] [Helmet]

These players, although their level is low, may eventually dropped one of these equipments.

Even the level 1 equipment is better than nothing.

At least it can fill up all the equipment slots so that his equipment grid will not be wasted.

Players who are malicious to Michael is quietly following him.

Some people are guilty and some are not, and some people think that such behavior is harmful, so they didn't do it.

At this time, there were only fifteen players in total, which happened to be divided into three teams.

The other players who didn't want to rob, although they didn't follow, they all turned their eyes on Michael's side.

They also nervous for Michael in their hearts.

Although it can be seen that Michael has reached level 5, he may not be able to fight against fifteen level 1 players.

After all, ants(Players) often kill elephants(Michael).

When can the attribute gap be large between level 1 and level 5? Isn't it just a difference between attributes right?

"Brother, why don't you leave."

After Michael stopped, twelve players surrounded him in a semicircle.

The player with the pointed face and nose smiled and said: "Silver equipment, you didn't even hide the special effects, are you an idiot?"

Just when he wanted to put down a ruthless sentence.

At this moment, Michael's name turned red directly.

The next moment, Michael's body flashed with afterimage, and came in front of him in an instant.

Michael's face was almost in front of him, and Michael smiled slightly, and a voice penetrated his ears, like a needle piercing his brain.

"Let's see who's the idiot between us?"

The player with the pointed face and nose suddenly shivered up, and a sense of fear sweeps through his heart!

Michael slashed his sword down! Shock and crash~