Level Up

Players who were attracted by the title saw the video, but found that it was a not just a person present in the video.

And the target of the video is not just Eternal Time.

There was a fifteen players who surrounded him. Out of the fifteen, three were invisible.

This video became first-rated and immediately caused a great sensation among the players.

"Eternal Time, where did he go!"

"He seems to be going to the forest!"

"That's not a part of a novice area, right?"

"Others have this strength. If that's you, can you fight fifteen level 1 if you're only level 5.

"Ahem, that's not necessarily the case. You will not know until the becoming a level 5, maybe there is a qualitative change on reaching level 5?"

That's how it is said, but the player still has a guilty conscience.

Anyone who has played this game knows that there is no big difference between the players in the first five levels, right?

Unless, this person particularly have good equipment.


[Galaxy Guild]

[Star River] watched the video again and again. Suddenly, he asked the person beside him:

"How many skills does he have?"

The staff officer beside him pushed his glasses and replied: "According to our team's analysis, he should have three skills."

"First, the warrior's skill 'shocking Cut'. Afterwards, the acceleration skill is similar to the ghost step of an assassin. And the last skill, is like the knights's skill 'Strong Will'."

"But no matter which skills are these, they are all just our guess, and in fact they are not the basic skills we know."

Similarly, not. Eternal Time's skills are obviously much stronger than the general basic skills.

"According to speculation, Eternal Time may have a talent that can enhance skills. This talent is likely to be an S-rank."

Upon hearing this, [Star River] took a deep breath.

"A talent that can enhance skill?"

This talent sounds very powerful.

According to the predicted documents, many of the major forces in the universe will compete on this game for hegemony and power.

Each race has its own advantages and disadvantages, as well as different ranks of talent.

As for human beings, the highest limit of talent is S-rank.

The level of human talent is also written in the player's manual, which can be said to exist as an important quality.

"Send my order to increase the price on recruiting Eternal Time. No matter how much other guilds pay, we will pay it twice."

The lighthouse country, as one of the seven largest nations in the entire blue star, has this confidence.

The most important thing is that the lighthouse country is the most powerful, out of the seven major countries economically.

In terms of talents, they couldn't be better than [Cheerful Country], in terms of mineral resources, they can't be compared to [Dragon Country], and in the medical field, they couldn't catch up to [Farwater Country].

Each of the seven major countries has its own strengths.

But in terms of financial resources, they are firmly ranked No. 1 in the whole world. [Star River] said to him:

"In addition, send a team of people out and follow him to see what's in the forest. Maybe we can find a treasure that belongs to us. But remember, you can't have a conflict with him, an S-rank talent owner, his existence is more precious than silver equipment, no, even if it is gold, diamond quality equipment, they can't compare to him it terms of value. "

"Yes sir!" The staff officer quickly left.

Its not just them who is moving, the other major guilds were also about to move after watching the video.

[Monsoon Town-South Forest]

Michael entered the forest and met three level 5 brown bears.

"It's good to come, let me have more prey, so that I can be promoted to level 6!."

[Brown Bear]

[Level: 5]

[Rank: Ordinary]

[Skills: bite, heavy blow]


The ranks of monsters are divided into: inferior, ordinary, elite, lord, hero, emperor, legendary, mythical, super mythical, immortal, and eternal.

There are eleven ranks in total.

Monsters that appear in the wild are generally monsters of ordinary rank.

As the level increases, the strength of the monster will also increase.

Inferior monsters are generally known as cannon fodder summons.

For example, the little skeleton soldier summoned by a Necromancer is an inferior monster.

In front of Michael, there are three brown bears.

[Shaking Cut]

Without waiting for the opponent to act, Michael first throws his sword!

Under the 'shake', the ground cracked.

As soon as the health bars of the three brown bears appeared, they were completely empty.

"Too little experience points."

Michael looked at the experience bar, the experience only moved a little.

He continued to walk towards the inside of the forest.

Soon, he saw a [Timberwolf]

He approached quickly, a sword smashed to it death.

Three goblins, hacked to death, and five bison, hacked to death.

The deeper he goes, the higher the monster's level are.

Although it is only ordinary ranked monsters, the experience gained is very little.

Compared with a level one monster and a level five monster, they have four more experience points.

In "Void", the experience value provided by monsters does not increase much with the level.

To upgrade the level limit, players have to complete a certain task.

In the early stage, they can also use a huge monster base to kill and pile up experience, but in the later stage, the experience bar is tens of billions of experience, and killing a level 50 monster can only provides them 80 experience points.

Only completing the task is the best way to improve anyone's level.

"Only 5% left"

Every time Michael kills a group of monsters, he will look at his experience bar.

Suddenly, in front of Lu Cang's eyes, a group of tauren appeared.


[Level: 7]

[Rank: Elite]

[Skills: slash, tauren charge]


"Elite-rank grouped monsters?"

Michael is no stranger to this scene. Generally, in the wild, only one elite monster will appear in an area. An elite monsters may explode bronze-rank equipment, but the probability is extremely low.

But if there is a group of elite monsters, it is likely that they are guarding something.

"For this six elite monsters, the elite will provide a little more experience, just enough to make up the last 5%."


[Monsoon Town-South Forest]

At this time, a team of people sneaked into the forest quietly.

They tried their best to pretend that they happened to be passing by, but the number of people who was passing by was way too many.

This is the manpower sent by the major guilds. Their purpose is to find Michael and follow him to see what is in the forest.

If it's just two or three guilds, it's okay, its not noticeable.

But at this time, more than a dozen guilds gathered to move towards [Monsoon Town-South Forest].

The atmosphere is extremely embarrassing.

But everyone have one purpose, and there are no too many disputes.

"Our goal is Eternal Time, don't have any conflicts with them."

Among them, a team of people is completely invisible. This is a pure assassin team sent by the [Shadow Assassin Society]. Each assassin is level 3 and has learned the skill of invisibility.

As they entered slowly, the captains of some teams couldn't help but frowned.

The forest is too big, and they didn't know where Michael went.

A player named [Kaiyuan] suggested: "This forest is too big, so it is not a way to find it. It is better for us to search separately."

"If anyone find Eternal Time, we will inform each other."

When these words were spoken, several guild members were disgusted in their hearts.

Notify each other? Are you kidding me?

They wanted to find Eternal Time and hid him, offer him a high price to be recruited in their own guild, and your saying that we must inform each other?

However, several captains agreed with such a hypocritical proposal.

After all, this forest is too big.

"Why not, we will disrupt the team. We have exactly five guilds and five teams here. It is better to have five guild members for each team. How about after finding Eternal Time we will send a signal to each other?"

The proposer is [Cross Justice], the think tank(genius member) of the Galaxy Guild.

The reason why he proposed this was because he was confident that the Colorfull Galaxy Guild could offer the most generous offer to invite Eternal Time to join their guild.

When he stated this condition, the faces of the captains of the other guilds became very ugly.

What they wanted was to find Eternal Time before the wealthy Colorfull Galaxy Guild.

But right now, the other party's proposal is more in line with the actual situation, and the refusal seems a bit wrong.

"All right, then we will notify each other."

Soon, the teams were divided, and the five teams marched in five directions.


[Shaking Cut]


The HP of a tauren was very thick, and even if it was smashed by Michael with a strong skill, there was still a trace of HP on it.

As everyone know, the level 5 lord-rank has only five thousand HP.

These level 7 elite tauren's blood volume actually exceeded by two thousand.

But with the rise of the 'shake' wave, these tauren also turned into flying ash and dissipated under the second time damage.




At this time, a voice rang on Michael's mind that made him excited.

[Congratulations on upgrade your to level 6] [Ding! Congratulations on obtaining the SSS-rank talent: Soul Steal].