Directly Crippled, Alarming the Super Force (3)

Feng San was baffled.

What kind of statement is that?

The doctor, mistaking him for a relative of Meng Xue, pointed at the X-ray. "Look at this injury. It's too close to the major artery. A deviation of just one millimeter, and she wouldn't have made it here, would've been in the morgue by now."

"And here, it's just a bit away from the heart. One can only say the person who did this knows human anatomy very well. These spots are truly painful."

Feng San was silent at the remark.

She understood one thing.

Never mess with someone skilled in medicine.

A fate worse than death.

"Finished with the matter," Yuejian stretched a bit. "Are you going for a drink?"

Feng San was confused. "Brother Nine forbade it."

"Forget it, how dull." Yuejian picked up her jacket and threw it on, waving a hand as she left. "I'm off."

Feng San scratched his head.