Went Back to the Old Mansion Alone

Gu Chu did not listen to Gu Wan at all. She was in her own thoughts.

Besides, she could not be bothered to listen to her fake cries.

She returned to the office and sent Feng Jia a Wechat message. "Shen Shan might be mentally ill?"

After a long time, he replied, "He's been in prison before. More or less."

"I thought so last night. He heard me calling for security, but he still didn't run, like he didn't care about his life."

She suddenly frowned and thought to herself, "If he's really mentally ill, then did he attack me because he went crazy, or was it an actual attack?"

This was the question.

Feng Jia said, "There's a big client coming this afternoon, and I can't get away. I'll get my secretary to accompany you to the hospital."

Gu Chu replied immediately, "There's no need. I'll go alone."

Feng Jia said, "Okay."