Don't Move

Gu Chu's back was pressed against his chest, and she felt the heat from his body. She leaned forward to create some distance. "What if you injure him?"

Feng Jia lowered her eyes and glanced at the mischievous girl who was probably upset because of President Li's words. "I can't even crush you, let alone it."

Gu Chu: "..."

Her face was red as she shouted, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

He started to get excited in broad daylight.

He pulled her over and leaned against her. Gu Chu felt something hard pressing against her. She frowned and twisted her body. "Pervert!"

"Don't move!" The hot air that he exhaled was beside her ear. He asked in a low voice, "Who are you calling a pervert?"

Who else could it be? It's you!

Gu Chu's entire face turned red. She felt that it was becoming harder, and the two of them were so close to each other.

She said angrily, "I'm going to dismount. You ride on your own."