Will He Respect Her

She did not know when he had carried her to the bed. Feeling the quilt on her back, her heart gradually calmed down.

Her legs were spread. A drop of sweat from his forehead flowed down his cheeks, past his chin, and dripped onto her collarbone. She groaned and put her hands around his neck, she could not stop cursing, "Bastard!"

The next morning, she was woken up by him. She clearly felt a foreign object in her body and her lower abdomen was sore. She felt that her legs were unbelievably soft, and it didn't seem like they belonged to her anymore.

She was f*cked awake by him?!

He got off the bed and went to the bathroom. She sat up, and her head was a little dizzy.

Seeing the bruises on her body, an indescribable anger rushed up. She wanted to rush out of the bed and fight with Feng Jia!

However, as soon as her feet touched the ground, she went limp and knelt down.