He Came to Pick Her Up

Lin Yu said he would be back on Friday evening, and and that he would her the details then, so Gu Chu invited him to dinner and offered to pick him up from the airport which he agreed.

After hanging up the phone, Gu Chu thought about it and called Feng Jia.

He was in the middle of an online meeting, listening to a report. When he saw Gu Chu's call, he muted the video.

The manager continued speaking, unaware that Mr. Feng had already muted him.

"Chuchu." Feng Jia turned his back to the screen and answered the phone.

Gu Chu asked, "Are you free tonight? I remember that you are a member of Jia Ren Club, there seems to be a party tonight and I am quite interested, can you take me there?"

She paused for a moment and added, "Of course, if you're not free, it's ok, I'll go ask my dad."

Feng Jia pinched his brow and asked, "If I go, will you come back with me tonight?"