Vicious Kisses

Perhaps his gaze was too hard to ignore, Gu Chu lifted her eyelids. When she saw him, she immediately shouted, "Feng...!"

Before she could finish saying his name, her lips were sealed!

She pinched his collar and wanted to step back.

As if he had expected it, he grabbed her waist and placed his hand at the back of her head, leaving her no room to escape.

This kiss was aggressive. The tips of their tongues were intertwined, and she felt a tinge of pain at the root of her tongue.

Gu Chu was awakened by his kiss. She heard the last group of customers talking and laughing outside the rockery. They seemed to be in a good mood after tasting the wine, and came here for a stroll.

Their voices were getting closer. Gu Chu panicked and grabbed his collar to try and push him away.

Unfortunately, his chest was like an iron wall. No matter how hard she tried, she could not push him away.

Gu Chu immediately felt a sense of shame. Has he gone mad?!