Analysing with Lin Yin

Oh, a woman's hatred was scary.

Gu Chu put away her phone and looked at the traffic outside. She continued to think about the relationship between Gu Wan and Shen Shan.

The perpetrator and the victim were working together. This did not make sense.

Could it be that Shen Shan felt guilty towards Gu Wan because he had seriously injured her parents and caused them to die? He wanted to make it up to her, so he listened to her orders?

Gu Chu was so angry that she laughed. If that was the case, she thought that Gu Wan should go to a psychiatrist.

She had only returned for no more than two months. She had never provoked her, so why did she have such malicious intentions towards her for no reason?

It was fine if she had lied to her parents and spread rumors about the change of the engagement. She did not expect that she would order others to attack her. This was not just a matter of character, it was pure evil.