Feng Jia Said They'd Talk Tomorrow

"I'll drive. Which restaurant are we going to?" Lin Yu went out and took the car keys from the parking attendant.

There was a small red flower on the car keys. At first, he thought it was an ornament, but when he pinched it with his hand, the flower immediately dyed his fingers red. There was no doubt that it was a flower petal.

"She probably got it by accident," he thought.

He threw it away casually.

After she told him the address, Lin Yu drove to the restaurant.

Gu Chu carefully placed the painting in the back seat and covered it with a piece of clothing.

"Did it go well in the capital this time?" Gu Chu asked as she transferred the money for the painting to him.

Lin Yu replied, "Yes, the project has officially started. But in two days, I have to go again."

Gu Chu was stunned. "What happened?"

He replied, "There are some local residents who are against the project. I need to go deal with them."