The Secretary Woke Up

At the hospital, there was a lunch lady pushing a trolley to deliver meals to the patients and their families. There were three meals a day, consisting of lunchboxes, noodles, and porridge. It was quite convenient.

Therefore, Gu Chu told Lin Yu that there was no need to send her more porridge. She bought food from the lunch lady.

Firstly, she was afraid that Feng Jia would be jealous. Secondly, it was indeed convenient.

After Feng Jia fed her, he applied ointment on her hands. Gu Chu did not have any other external injuries other than blisters.

Gu Chu was a little bored lying on the bed, so she started to talk about her heroic acts in the fire.

She kept chattering non-stop.

Feng Jia's eyebrows twitched. "Stop talking."

"You feel sorry for me?" Gu Chu smiled.

Gu Chu was just joking and thought that he wouldn't answer, but unexpectedly, he mumbled in affirmation and continued to apply the ointment.