Chapter 1

* BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP * My alarm clock went off I don't like it when it goes off.

Hello my name is Y/N and my parents died in an car accident about 9 years ago.

That was when I was about 10 years old. I promised my parents I would do good in school and now look at me.

Today is my first day of SKH( South Korea High School ) and I am totally freaking my heart out!

I woke up brushed my teeth and did my morning routine like usual.

I came downstairs and saw my sister Jisoo making breakfast for us.

Jisoo: good morning lil sis want some breakfast?

Y/N: of course I do I am starving!

Lisa: well look who seems so happy!

Y/N: I am only happy because there is food!

Rose: geez girl calm down.

I live with my sisters Lisa, Jennie, Rose, and Jisoo. Jennie and I have a really good connection I always tell her my secrets and she always tells me hers.

My life changed a lot since my parents passed away but I still have my sisters.

Y/N: guys don't you think it is time for us to go to our school?

Jennie: oh yeah we better go!

* we go to the same school *

When we get there I didn't really know anyone or recognize anyone there but someone called out my name. That voice sounded awfully familiar.

???: Y/N!!

Y/N: umm sorry I don't know who you are can you introduce me to you plz?!

???: you don't even remember your childhood best friend Dahyun?

Y/N: DAHYUN!!!!! Is that really you I never seen you since you know what happened.


*Dahyun POV*

We went to Y/N parents funeral her parents had died in a car accident and once the funeral has finished my parents told me that I couldn't hang out with Y/N anymore because they thought that she would try to do something to me they thought she was a freak.


I am at my parents funeral I was thinking about all the memories me and my parents had together. Once we got home my sister Rose said that I could not hang out with Dahyun anymore.

Why couldn't I I was so confused she was my only childhood best friend I didn't want to leave her!

Days later I found out that Dahyun was going to move to the U.S A.


Y/N: what are you doing here? I thought you would live in the U.S.A. forever.

* Hugging Dahyun while talking to her *

Dahyun: I thought so to but now I live with my sister's

Dahyun has 8 sisters.

Nayeon, Jeongyeon, Momo, Sana, Jihyo, Mina, Chaeyoung and Tzuyu

The oldest is Nayeon and the youngest is Tzuyu Dahyun is the 3rd youngest.

Y/N: Oh can I meet them I really never seen them since the past years.

Dahyun: oh yes of course you can totally meet them why not after school?

Y/N: ok!

Y/N: Sooooo Dahyun do you still like Eunwoo? I heard he transferred to SKH

Eunwoo is Dahyun's crush since 6th grade she always wanted to be near him when he was around and would do anything to get close to Eunwoo.

Dahyun: Umm...

Dahyun: well maybe I like him a little bit.

Y/N: C'mon Dahyun I know you still like him.