How I met him

It was time to go to our classes.

I was in the same class as Dahyun.

We got to chose our own seats me and Dahyun of course sat next to each other.

When we had our seats I recognized a boy that came in the classroom it was Tae!

He had a friend with him I suppose it is one of the popular boys.

He chose his seat and sat behind me and Dahyun.

Tae: Hey Y/N meet my friend Jungkook!

Jungkook: Umm heyy!?

Y/N: Hi

I was suddenly feeling something weird

I felt like I was blushing!!!

* Jungkook POV *

When we got in the classroom I saw this girl she looked pretty.

I think she was the one that Taehyung was talking with earlier.

Tae: Hey Y/N meet my friend Jungkook!

Jungkook: Umm heyy!?

Y/N: Hi

When she said Hi to me I saw that she was blushing I think she was shy.

* Y/N POV *

When I turned around I saw the teacher she had came in.

Teacher: Hello everybody today we have a new student Kim Y/N

Teacher: Y/N will you please introduce yourself

I stood up and went up in the front of the class.

Y/N: Hello I am Kim Y/N I hope I will get to meet all of you and hope to make friends.

Teacher: Great now can you sit back down Y/N?

I went and sat back down on my chair.

* Time Skip *

* Lunch time *

I was going to the cafeteria when I heard Tae

Tae: Hey Y/N do you mind if I sit with you?

Y/N: Yeah sure no problem!