The Date part 1

Jungkook: Hey Y/N...

Y/N: Yes?

Jungkook: Do you want to go on a date later at 5:30?

Y/N: Umm yeah sure why not?

She said yes she actually said yes!

* Y/N POV *

Jungkook just asked me out on a date and I said yes because I didn't want him to feel bad BUT later I am going to meet Dahyun's sisters maybe I will have time to meet them! I am so exited about The date.

* Time Skip *

* After School *

Dahyun: Hey Y/N I will take you to my house okay.

Y/N: Yeah sure!

* At Dahyun's House *

Dahyun: Hey sisters I am home!

???: Oh Hey Dahyun!

Hey Nayeon this is Y/N remember her?

Nayeon: Oh yeah I would never forget her!

Nayeon: How you doing Y/N?

Y/N: I am doing good how about you Nayeon?

Nayeon: Better than ever!

Nayeon is the oldest sister.

I meet all of Dahyun's sister's and I caught up with everything.

Y/N: Oh no its 4:00 I better start getting ready for my date!

All: You have a date?!

Y/N: Umm yeah?!

Dahyun: With who Y/N tell us tell us.

Y/N: Jungkook

Tzuyu: Wait Jungkook from BTS * BTS is just the name of their gang *

* Also All of Dahyun's sisters go to our school same with Y/N's sister's *

Chaeyoung: We better get you ready!!!

Y/N: wait you guys want to get me ready?

Jihyo: Umm duh well of course if it's fine with you!

Y/N: yeah it's totally fine with me but what am I gonna wear?

Momo: Sana remember that dress we bought for special occasion's

Sana: Oh yeah let me go bring it now!

Sana: here it is

It was a long red dress with a cut on the bottom.

Jeongyeon: Now let's get you ready!

I got in the dress it was really pretty and I also wore red high heels

Dahyun: Time for makeup!

Nayeon: and hair of course!

It took us one hour to get ready I looked very sexy I never looked like this before!