* Y/N POV *

Jennie: Hey sis why are you crying what happened tell me pls

Y/N: Jennie there is this girl named Chaeryeong and she told me that she was dating jungkook

Jennie: jungkook has a girlfriend

Dahyun: BUT Jungko--

Y/N : I trusted jungkook why would I fall for his stupid trick why wasn't I thinking of course every popular would do that he is probably a player!

Jennie: Y/N calm down I will be with you okay!?

Jennie: how dare that jungkook mess with my lil sister's feeling's

* Jungkook POV *

I ran and followed Y/N

Jungkook: Y/N wait she isn't my girlfriend please trust me please!!!

Jennie: jungkook get away from my sister you know you hurt her feeling right!

Dahyun: Jennie he is telling the truth Chaeryeong isn't his girlfriend

Jennie & Y/N: then who is she?

Jungkook: she is my ex I promise I am telling the truth you could even ask Dahyun

Y/N: Dahyun is it true that Chaeryeong isn't jungkook's girlfriend?

Dahyun: jungkook is telling the truth Chaeryeong is just jungkook's crazy ex girlfriend

Y/N: I am sorry that I got mad at you jungkook I just thought that you were a loyal person and I didn't know that you had a "girlfriend" I didn't want to be the one that was the problem in your "relationship".

Jungkook: I am sorry I didn't tell you earlier Y/N

Jungkook: I hope we can still be FRIENDS...