* Jungkook POV *

Tae: How many people are you going to invite to your party?

Jungkook: About half of the school

Tae: Dang umm ok well it's a good thing we live in a mansion

Jungkook: yeah Imma tell everyone right now

I stood up on one of the cafeteria tables

Jungkook: Hey everybody I am having my birthday party tomorrow saturday at my house there would be lot's of thing's there and everyone is invited!!!!

I finished giving my speech about my birthday party tomorrow

* Y/N POV *

It was the end of the school day I was walking with my sister's to take a bus home

Lisa: Hey so what are we going to do when we get home?

Jisoo: why not watch a movie?

Rose: Oh yeah that's a good Idea

Y/N: yeah but what movie should we watch?

Jennie: we should watch Red Notice I heard it was a really good movie or we could watch any marvel movies too.

Rose: yeah we should get some snack's for the movie

Lisa: yeah we should also invite Dahyun and her sister's

Y/N: yeah that is a good Idea and we could also have a sleep over

Lisa & Y/N: Please Unnie's please

Jennie: yeah we could do that but we have to call them first

Jisoo: well I guess so

Rose: ok then let's get the snack's

We went to the supermarket to get some snack's we also stopped by at the Ice cream shop

When we were on our way to go home I felt that someone was following us I got goosebumps

Rose: whats wrong Y/N?

Y/N: Umm I feel like someone is following us back home

Lisa: umm I think your just overthinking Y/N

Y/N: yeah we should just go home I am probably overthinking it!

* Unknown POV *

???: I am following her right now

???: good don't lose her follow her to her home and give me the address to her house once you find her house you can go home

???: yes ma'am...