Chapter 26 : A Warning

Rhett's POV

My skin was tingling when I woke up that morning. Eleanore's legs and hands were wrapped around my body and I could feel the soft inhale and exhale as she breathed onto my skin. I could feel my wolf practically purring at the sight.

Her skin was soft to my touch, it had been the entire night, and I was loath to get up and out of bed that morning and leave her. I would have stayed in that bed with her until the world ended if I had it my way, but I had duties to deal with.

I gave her a soft kiss to her forehead and slid out of the bed, took a quick shower in her bathroom and then I was off to the pack house.

Mason was the first person who met me at the entrance of the pack house, and he was the first person to notice a change in me. He sniffed the air once, and then looked at me with wide eyes. I avoided his eye contact and questions until we were both in the office room and the door was shut behind us.