Chapter 67: Bastian is in Danger

Eleonore’s POV

The sight before me could only be described as vicious and cruel. There was no other way to explain it.

Trees surrounded me. Their large dense canopies overshadowed any beam or string of light that may have wanted to enter this dark place if any dared in the first place. Because to be here where I stood, to stand here and witness the things that happened, was in and of itself daring.

The overgrown roots that I stepped and stumbled over were rotted, dead and rotted and sick. The roots themselves were wet and damp, open and exposed, and inside of the roots, there were bugs and various other creatures who themselves looked sick and were festering there.

But that wasn’t the worst part—no, the part that made me truly sick were the bodies that seemed to be littered around me, looking to the same extent as the roots that wrapped around them.