Chapter 69: Bastian…

Eleonore’s POV

It was Rhett and Hayden. Of course, it was. It seemed like everything for the past few months always led back to them. Unlike the last time when I had entered that shadowy, void-like space, Rhett and Hayden hadn’t been able to reach me when I had called out—had I called out?

But I woke up without any fights breaking out. The harrowing image of Bastian spread out on that stone table stuck with me, though. And when I came back to reality and opened my eyes, I saw Rhett and Hayden in the middle of my living room calling out to me.

My aunty was at the main door, her body positioned in a way that told me she had just arrived. The looked she gave me when I managed to roll my eyes back frightened me, it was a look scary enough to rival the void-like dust I had seen attacking Bastian.

But… it wasn’t that voice of the void attacking Bastian, was it? It was me. And it wasn’t me my aunty was looking at strange—it was Bastian.