Chapter 149: The Morning After

Eleonore’s POV

I woke up the next morning… elated.

I had never felt so good in my entire life, if I was being honest. The tense muscles that had once wrecked my body felt loose and my head felt clearer than it had been in quite possibly years. The fresh smell of the morning air that seemed to waft in from the open window seemed to only add onto the feeling of reprieve that washed over me.

My bed was empty besides myself, but the room wasn’t. When I lifted myself up from the bed and winced lightly at the feeling in my legs and lower back, I came to see the delicious sight of Rhett and Hayden in my room.

Rhett was busying himself with some of my books at the nearby coffee table, he wasn’t wearing the suit I had seen him in last night but a pair of pajama bottoms and a top, it was unbuttoned at the front so that his perfect chest and stomach were on full display. He had a pair of glasses on that I saw him sometimes use for reading, and his hair was messy from the previous night.