Chapter 189: This Feeling That Weighs On Me

Eleonore’s POV

The dreams always began the same. It didn’t matter if I was being shown something good, or something bad. There was a tilt in the way the world moved, a lilt to the wind that would not be there in the real world. More importantly, though, I always felt different in the dreaming.

I felt infinite, and so, so measurable at the same time. I felt like I was being held in the bare hands of a god and, at the same time, floating above the universe, staring down at everything. In the dreaming, I could feel the magic humming through me more clearly than in the real world.

Whereas in the real world I could barely hold it, that seal still inside of me that blocked my magic, here it felt as if that seal had slipped away a long time ago. Maybe it was when I saved Bastian, when I had pulled that demon from outside of him what felt like so long ago. Maybe that was when everything began to change. I had unknowingly sealed a fate for myself that I was only beginning to unravel now.