Chapter 191: Eleonore Needs Us

Rhett’s POV

I moved quick enough to catch her before her head hit the ground, anticipating any and everything that might’ve happened.

“F*ck!” I heard my brother mutter to himself as he looked over Eleonore once to make sure she was alright, before he bounded out of the doors we had come through. I stroked Eleonore’s cheek before I lifted her up, placing her horizontally on the couch and making sure she was comfortable before I took a step back.

In that moment, the doors opened again and in front of Hayden walked Ronin, his face red and panicked as he surveyed the room before his eyes fell on Eleonore.

“I could feel it from outside,” he breathed out as he stared at her. “There was an intense magical surge coming from her for a moment… How long has she been like this?”

“Not long,” I told him. “Hayden came to get you as soon as she fell unconscious.”