Chapter 211: Powerful Enemies

Eleonore’s POV

The twins had left first.

I was left alone in that room by myself again. I didn’t know whether or not it was a good thing to be alone, whether or not it was a good thing that they had left without another word after my outburst. I could still feel that feeling rushing through me…

The thrill, the sensation like lightning that seemed to buzz just beneath the surface of my skin. If they had fought back then, if they had argued and pressed their point, I wasn’t sure how far I would have gone—or just when I would’ve stopped myself until I felt heard enough.

Maybe, in hindsight, it was a good thing that they left.

I didn’t bother to check in on their side of the link, the cold, empty feeling I was already getting from it told me that they had shut off their thoughts and feelings to me as of right now.