Chapter 209: A Heartbeat Sounds

Eleonore’s POV

I watched with growing anxiety as Rhett and Hayden tussled in the grass, their paws kicking and their tails flinging from every side and way it could move. They fought each other without abandon, and for a moment I could only watch in awe at the fluidity and speed of their movements.

For a moment I realized that their soft caresses and sweet words were not all their strong bodies were capable of. And it was like a bucket of ice water was drenched over me. My mates were wolves, vicious and powerful, and they were the sons of a king among alphas.

Yes, this was the reason why they were as strong as they seemed, yet… There was something else, too. Something more…

Something there that hadn’t been there before. What was it? I tried to narrow my eyes, tried to use my magic to try and sus out what it was that had changed between them both. But I could see nothing.