Chapter 213: No Decision

Eleonore’s POV

“Surely it’s an abomination,” there was a whispered viciousness to her voice. “Nothing good could possibly have come from it…”

“She was possessed,” another voice, another viciousness, “it is known further than this pack-lands, too. The others say the same thing, the others wonder if the heir’s claim would be legitimate.”

A scoff from the first. “Surely it isn’t legitimate, the baby isn’t from the alphas’ bloodline. It’s only hers, hers and that demon’s.”

It felt like a stab to the gut, twisted and grinding. I kept listening, still.

“If it were to be proven… the other packs wouldn’t stand for it. The other packs would never follow a bastard, moreover a demon bastard. It would be the ruin of the packs, it would be the ruin of us all.”

“She saved us, though—” there was a third voice, weaker than the others and less vicious. It was quickly scorned.