Chapter 219: Family Secrets

Eleonore’s POV

‘What was her name?’

I watched as Allistair read the words on my phone’s screen. It had been so long since I had had to use this as a form of communication with someone that I had almost forgotten how I had gotten around before things like pack links and mate bonds.

“They never told you?” Allistair asked, though there was something in the way he asked that told me he wasn’t at all surprised. I shook my head in disagreement. He nodded as he sighed, and moved to sit on one of the stone benches closer to the water fountain. “I don’t suppose I blame them, after everything.”

“Her name was Emelia, though I called her Emmy. We all did, really. She was the youngest of us, four kids you know? It was more than our parents could handle, but by Emelia they did right, eventually. They were so glad when she announced to us that she was pregnant, finally, they thought, someone to carry on our family’s legacy.”