Chapter 238: The Citadel’s Secrets

Eleonore’s POV

“Okay, well, that definitely was not at all what I was expecting.”

Michael seemed wholly unaffected by the fact that we had both just been dragged through a painting by the once still inhabitants of it. Too unaffected for my taste, at least.

‘How could you even begin to expect something like that?’ I asked him incredulously, and he gave me a stiff look before speaking.

“I literally just said I wasn’t expecting that–” Michael’s head snapped to the side, “Wait, do you hear that?”

I followed him as he moved forward slightly, his movements stuttering and jerking as he tried not to trip over the various roots we were walking over. My mind was still reeling from the fact that we had been ripped through the walls by paintings, but Michael seemed like he had forgotten that little fact as he walked away.