Skill upgrades

"Congratulations! Player level up!"

A system notification suddenly showed up.

"Congratulations, you have been granted three skill points."

He went to his player status window and clicked on it.

Name: Will Smith


Level: 2

Exp: 17/200

"Hmmm, so killing a zombie grants me some experience," I speculated and a smile crept up onto the face.

He shifted his attention to the skills window.

After seeing firsthand the capabilities of the drone, he concludes that having an army of them can help him establish a secure zone for Will.

He gets a thrill just thinking about having 100 of these little gentlemen swarming around him.

He went to his Skill page and checked his current set of abilities.


*Skill: "Observe"

Level: 1

Passive: Allows the user to see the HP bar over the target's head while not actively attacking.

The target's basic information is displayed while the target is active. The skill can only be used on a single target at the moment due to the user's current level.

5 minutes to cool down.

Next level: The user will be able to see additional information about the target. The skill can be applied on both objects and items.

**Skill: "Dash"

Level: 2

When this skill is activated, the user can only dash in one direction. While the skill is active, the player gains increased movement speed.

10 meters is the maximum range.

The cooldown time is 55 seconds.

The next level has a range of 15 meters. While the skill is engaged, the user has the ability to shift direction once.


***Skill: "Drone"

Level: 3

A permanent autonomous drone may be summoned and controlled. It is possible to set the unit to self-destruct.

Maximum number of units: three

5 minutes for a cooldown.

Next level. Max unit+1


He pondered it for a moment before adding three points to the skill "Drone."

Skill: Drone

Level 6:

A permanent autonomous drone may be summoned and controlled. It is possible to set the unit to self-destruct.

Maximum units: 6

5 minutes for a cooldown.

Next level, Max unit+1

He became aware that it was already getting dark outside. The sun is getting close to setting.

Will made the decision to return to the house for the night since he was pleased with his accomplishments and because he had no other plans.


Will was awakened the next morning by the sound of gunfire.

The calm neighborhood where he had been spending the previous week had been converted into a scene from an old western film.

Will peered out the window and noticed a three-vehicle convoy barreling down the street in the opposite direction. The vehicle in front of it is a black SUV with a man standing through the sunroof, shooting a roof-mounted machine gun at the zombies in front of it.

Immediately behind the SUV is a convoy of two pickup trucks. A cage is located at the rear of the first trucks. He spotted five persons chained up inside the building. He saw that practically all of them are girls, which he found interesting. They are unquestionably slaves.

Several armed soldiers are packed inside the last truck. According to Wills, there are approximately 20 persons armed with various types of firearms. There are several different types of shotguns and rifles.

In other words, these guys are slavers.

Will eyed his drones out of the corner of his eye. There are two drones inside the house and four drones outside that rotate.

Having experimented with the drones' various capabilities the previous night, he set the drones to patrol the perimeter of the property.

The "Drone" skill has been upgraded to level 6. Aside from the fact that the maximum number is now six, the other significant change is the increased distance that can now be between you and will.

It has the ability to stay out 300 meters, however the maximum height it can reach is still still 100 meters.

The convoy came to a complete stop at the crossroads. Will is around 5 to 6 homes away from where you are now.

He stood and watched as the passengers from the last truck disembarked and fanned out in front of him. Since it didn't take long for them to secure the perimeter, it appears that they are very familiar with this maneuver.

The lead automobile established a sentry post in the corner of the roadway and opened fire on the few zombies that made their way towards the group.

While walking down the street, Will spotted a man who appeared to be in command; he was issuing orders to a small group of people while pointing towards the houses on Will's street.

He noticed that the five-armed men were moving quickly towards the nearest residence. Weapons drawn and ready to fire.

It was approximately 20 minutes later. The group emerged with a few cartons containing what appeared to be a large quantity of canned food.

"So, in addition to being slavers, these people are also stealing the residences," says the narrator.

He observed them again as they repeated the process and moved on to the next house.

The sounds of occasional machine gun fire emanating from the SUV can still be clearly heard in the background.

The force that has surrounded the three trucks has now built a protective cordon around them.

He understands in his heart of hearts that it is not safe to continue to wait here. He needs to take action in this situation.

Will thought of two solutions to his predicament.

*Escape! He has the option of fleeing the house and relocating away from the slavers. He can always return to the residence at a later date if he so desires once they have gone on.

*He has the ability to eliminate them all before they can reach the house.

Normally, Will would choose the first of the two options. It is non-confrontational in nature.

He can, however, still sense the power he had when he killed his targets the day before. Because of his improved understanding of his weapon's capabilities, he opted to go with choice number two.

Besides! If he is unable to capture them all before, they reach his home, he can still utilize his drones to investigate the area and find a safe path to exit the situation.

Will worked for a significant portion of an hour to come up with a strategy.