Chapter 40

I heard laughing noises and it annoyed me because it was coming from Amanda, and Hames too but I was mostly irritated by Amanda's laughter.

I strolled down the stairs and sauntered to Hames. A frown etched on my face at the extreme closeness between their bodies.

"It's not true." Hames smiled. Yeah, one beautiful smile I had to admit I loved… liked, the one that could make a person's heart— oh, I was supposed to be focusing my attention on Amanda and not Hames' smile.

"It is. Gosh, you love me so much." Amanda cooed, grinning as wide as ever. I knew she had seen me through her sideways glance else she was partially blind.

"Uh?" Hames sounded confused.

"Silly." She said and they burst into laughter.

"Ahem." I cleared my throat.

Hames quickly snapped his head in my direction and graced me with an even wider smile. "I was about to come to you. You tend to stay indoors, I expected you to be out everyday for either a party or an event."