Episode 5

Their lips moved against each other, Braxton's hand wandered down to her a$$ which he grabbed firmly, this action caused Alicia to moan into his mouth.

They break off the kiss and Braxton wiped the side of Alicia's mouth with his finger.

He carried her up and she automatically wrapped her legs around his waist. She blushed profusely,her hand wrapped around his neck as he carried her towards her desk and placed her on it.

"I want to taste you Alicia." He whispered huskily into her ear, he sucked on her neck, leaving soft hickeys on it. He dropped her on her desk and pushed her bubble skirt up to her hip.

Under the skirt Alicia was wearing a black lace panties. Alicia sunk on her breath when she found out what Braxton was about to do.

He kissed her through her clothed panties and Alicia throwed her head back,her eyes rolling around,it was happening again and she could do nothing to stop it because when it comes to Braxton, she has absolutely no control over herself.

The fact that she was seven years older than him gave her a chill.

"Braxton," she called and pushed his head away from her hot channel.

"What is it?" He asked impatiently. Hus eyes searched hers to know what was on her mind.

She took in a deep breath and shook her head.

"I.... you will eventually get tired of me, there are lots of women your age out there, why don't you go to them?" She asked him, he scoffed and stood up.

"I want to have you screaming from the back, I want to f**k you from everywhere possible, I want to taste you." He growled, his jaw clenched and he placed his hand on Alicia's cheek. "Forget about the age difference for once"

Alicia was speechless, she was trying to push him away but he wasn't having it.

She closed her eyes and pushed him down to continue what he started, he smirked down at her and took a long lick, Alicia opened her eyes to look at him and their eyes met. She blushed and looked away.

She bit her lower lip as he did the same thing over and over again.

He pushed her panties to one side and slipped his finger inside her, her mouth went wide open in shock and pleasure, she couldn't hide the amount of pleasure she got from what Braxton was doing to her.

Braxton slipped out his finger from Alicia's hot channel and stared right into her eyes before pushing the finger inside his mouth, Alicia's eyes widened, she wasn't expecting that he would do that.

He carried her down from the desk and turned her around so that she was holding the desk for support.

He undo his belt and pushed down his trouser, he grabbed hold of his already hard cock and trail it along Alicia's butt hole.



Alicia got down from her car and headed towards the elevator, she met the elevator girl and smiled at her.

"How are you dear?" She asked.

"I'm fine ma'am,it has been a long time since you last came here." The elevator girl commented.

"That's right, I was busy." Alicia retorted and opened her handbag, she brought out a thousand dollars and handed it over to the elevator girl.

"Thank you ma'am, have fun." The girl said as Alicia stepped inside the elevator, she waved at her before looking back at the money given to her.

The elevator got the the 30th floor where Alicia was going and she stepped out, she used her spare key and unlocked the door, across the hallway she got to living room and saw Serena having dinner.

"Hey girl." Serena said and looked back at the TV show she was watching.

"Why are you eating tofu out of everything in the world?" Alicia asked as she sat down on the couch and started to remove her shoe, Serena rolled her eyes and took a huge bite of the tofu.

"It is not a must that you'll like it friend, there are potato chips inside the fridge and I cooked Macaroni and cheese,you can treat yourself." Serena responded. Alicia smiled and stood up from the couch then kissed Serena on her forehead.

She turned around and started walking towards the kitchen, when she got to the kitchen she opened the fridge and brought out the potato chips and orange juice, she picked a glass cup before walking back inside the living room.

Serena and Alicia has been friends for years, Alicia who was raised by her grandfather has helped Serena a lot financially and Serena as well has helped Alicia in terms of her personal life.

Serena knows whenever Alicia was bothered.

"Are you okay girl?" She asked Alicia, Alicia wasn't expecting that question so she was taken aback a little.

"I....I am fine." She stammered, Serena watched her quietly as she picked the potato chips one after the other and drank a large gulp of orange juice.

"Have you talked to your father lately? Heard he is dating Mandy." Serena said and Alicia choked on what she was chewing. She coughed violently and quickly ran to the kitchen to drink some water.

When she calmed down she returned to the living room,her eyes were already red due to the coughing, she sat down on the couch and grabbed the remote from Serena.

"Good for him." She responded as she flipped through the channels. Inside her she was battling with anger, but she wasn't about to let her friend know.

How can someone she calls her father be dating a girl old enough to be his daughter?

How can he be dating Braxton's whore!

But hey, she doesn't have the right to say all those disrespectful stuff about Mandy because they were both similar.

She also slept with a guy seven years younger than her, she also would want to be Braxton's whore.

She had absolutely no right.

"How is Ken though? It has been a long I last saw him." Alicia said, changing the topic. Ken was Serena's boyfriend.

"He had work to do in Texas so he left three days ago." Serena said and used her hand to support her jaw.

"Are you seeing him?" Serena asked all of a sudden. Alicia's heart started beating erratically at the thought of what Serena might think about her.

She doesn't want Serena to see her as a pedophile though Braxton was already an adult, she still found herself wrong.

"I....who are you talking about?" Alicia asked.

