Alicia tightened her hand around Troy's arm, she was holding a glass of wine on the other hand while she tried to keep her face neutral. She wasn't going to let someone like Braxton get to her. Not after she has successfully built her respect among the population of men in the business world.

She is a mogul, and in a place like this she has to think straight.

"Are you enjoying yourself?" Troy asked her, Alicia smiled and tugged Troy's arm so that her mouth was now closer to his face.

"I am, I want to sit down." She told him, he smiled and nodded his head. Troy started leading her towards their table and he drew out a chair for her, when she sat down she sighed and closed her eyes briefly.

She wasn't aware that someone like Braxton does charity work or even give back to the community, she wouldn't have believed it if she hadn't seen him there.

"Are you okay?" Troy asked her, he has been watching her for a minute and she seems far away.