Chapter 38



"Seff, Why is it so damn hard to meet you nowadays?" My aunt, Luna Miria of Silverstone sighs at the sight of me." If the summit didn't happen, how long will you keep ignoring me, huh?"

As i closed the door behind me, she enveloped her arms around me and soothed my back like child, the warmth and her familiar scent like my mom, made all my nerves calm down.

I frowned. This was the reason I didn't want to see this old woman.

"If I didn't send that friend of yours a message, then you'd probably won't see me, am I right?" She pulls away, worries plastered on her face.

I cracked a smile, "I'm fine, Aunt Miria. You don't need to check up on me every month. It's tedious, I don't want to trouble you like that."

"Seff, we talked about this! I made a promise to your mother-"

I cut her off, my chest rising from anger. "That was ages ago, aunt Miria. Can't we all just try to move on?"